Monday, February 21, 2011

WWE Raw Recap from Fresno,CA. 2/21

Photos via:

TV Network: USA Network.

TV Commentators: Michael Cole & Josh Matthews.

Ring Announcer: Justin Roberts.

Live from Save Mart Center in Fresno,CA.

Graphic: One hour until 2-21-11.

Video: Raw Opening. & Pyro.

John Cena comes down to the ring. Crowd chants "Rocky" Cena says he won his match last night and is going to WM to face the Miz. Cena says since last monday hes only heard about the Rock.

Video Recap: Rock on Cena last week.

Cena says the Rock was making fun of him. Cena says he still has a degree on thuganomics. Cena says if he does not end this tonight he will not be able to focus on WM or Miz just Rocky. Fans chant "Rocky". Cena gives a rap on the Rock. Cena says he was talking the truth that Rock left to play a fairy with a tooth. Cena says he wore lipstick and a skirt for gameplan. Cena says he aint no average jabroni and says hes like pinwheel and for the Rock to blow him. Cena says the Rock just got served by Barney's turb. Cena says not to go to witch moutain as hes brokeback. Cena says Rock is at bowling cleaning his balls. Cena says for 7 years we could not see him and says the Rock needs to stick with Rock as Dwayne is nothing. Cena says he will make Rock kiss his ass. Cena says he shows everyweek he loves the fans unlike the Rock. Cena says for the Rock to keep running his mouth as it does not matter what hes saying.(Cena started strong then got lame)(Cole laughed entire segment)

Commentators talk and says Lawler will be interviewed tonight about his title match last night.

Pictures Recap: John Morrison at Chamber match. Morrison vs Punk next.

Graphic: 46 minutes away from UnderTaker.


Video Recap: Punk/Morrison two weeks ago on Raw.

1. John Morrison vs C.M. Punk. Ref Scott Armstrong. Their is a UNderTaker countdown clock in the bottom left corner.(Commentators still not talking about it). Punk wins with a GTS. After the match, Punk calls out Randal Keith Orton. Punk says he is in the middle of his own ring and Nexus has the night off its no setup. Punk says the fans bought tickets to see him. Punk says two years ago Orton choose to kick him in the head unable to defend his title. Punk says Orton should walk away, he does not deserve to be at WM, and its up to Orton to decide why. Either Punk will finsh what Orton started or Orton actual cares about himself as Punk will hurt him if he shows up next week. Punk says to walk away. Randy Orton comes from the crowd and attacks Punk. Punk bails and leaves up the stage. Nexus comes out to the stage and Punk holds them back as Orton eggs them on. Crowd chants Randy.


Graphic: Reaired WWE "Fact" of the night.

2. Alberto Del Rio vs Kofi Kingston. Ref John Cone. Kingston attacks Alberto before the match. No Contest. Alberto lays out Kingston. A Trainer checks on Kingston. (I Like Alberto but why was this even here? Alberto & Kingston are both SD, and they were going to have a match for the 80th time on Raw?).

Backstage: Miz(WWE Champion) & Alex Riley walking.

Graphic: UnderTaker countdown clock.


Miz(WWE Champion) & Alex Riley comes out to the stage. Miz says the fans embarrsed themselves last week over Rock jumping up and down like little girls were grown men.(come on Josh pick on Cole about that). Miz says in 1990s he watched Rock rip people up and he was excited about Miz going after him and was let down by Rock's line about him. Miz says the Rock could of done better. Miz asks if the fans think he sucks. Fan cheer. Miz says really a few times(blah blah blah, getting tired of same old same old. You can always eat bread and water for so long). Miz says he will be champion after WM. Miz says Cena & Rock are both icons and the fans love them. Miz says he does not care what the fans think of him. Miz says it does not matter what the fans think and wonders if the fans can see that, hes awesome. Raw's GM rings in. Cole reads a email and he quotes(again its bread and water). Cole says he will deal with the Rock later but Rock N Sock connection were a connection so Miz & Cena will go after the tag titles tonight.(and the tag titles contine to mean nothing in the WWE.

Graphic: Lawler interview tonight.

Commercial: WM.


Video: Outside the arena.

Graphic: WWE Videogame(1st WWE game I wont get it looks lame.)(alll the wrestlers look like their on steroids).

Video Recap: Divas catfight backstage last week.

3. Bella Twins vs Gail Kim & Eve(Divas Champion). Ref Justin King. (Wow a Divas tag match...bread & water). Taker graphic reminds us this match wont last 2 minutes.(lol). Bellas swtich places and win with a rollup in a quick match on Eve.

Graphic: Taker return graphic less then 3 minutes.


Graphic: Taker return graphic less then 20 seconds.

UnderTaker comes down to the ring. By the time he makes it to the ring...Triple H comes down to the ring!(Is'nt it weird when you are actual happy to see HHH lol). Fans chant HHH. They have a stare down. They both look at the WM sign. Then each other, Taker smiles and goes to leave then gets back in HHH's face. They do their signature poses to each other. We fade to black(hahahha).


Commercial: WM.

Video Recap: HHH/Taker staredown.

Video Recap: Henry/Sheamus last week.

4. Sheamus vs Mark Henry. Ref Chad Patton. Cole: "oh what a night its been." Sheamus takes off the turnbuckle, Henry runs into Sheamus into the exposed buckle. Henry wins with the Worlds Strongest Slam.

Graphic: WWE Tag Titles Match tonight.(Funny how The Corre was here tonight when its not even thier show).

Commerical: Big Show DVD.


Graphic: Miss USA on Tough Enough.

Backstage: Daniel Bryan & Gail Kim talking to each other. Sheamus walks by angry. Sheamus threats Bryan and walks away.

Commentators talk about next WWE HOF indutee.

Video Package: Hacksaw Jim Duggan.(cool).

Graphic: Hacksaw to WWE HOF induteed by Million Dollar Man Ted Dibase.

Michael Cole in the ring. Cole says the GM has ruled he and Lawler can't fight. Cole says he will be a journalist and be professional as he is the voice of the WWE. Cole says besides McMahon when young he is the best commentator ever. Cole talks about his awards as a journalist and will interview Lawler and wants the fans attencion.


Cole calls out Jerry Lawler. Jerry Lawler comes down to the ring. Cole wants to know how Lawler felt before his big moment, if he felt nervous. Lawler does not answer. Cole asks how Lawler felt knowing he would lose to Miz, and if he should retire for good. Cole asks how did Lawler feel as he lost the match last night and that his dead mom was watching down and had the best seat in the house and Lawler's WM dreams were over and he let his mom down. Lawler grabs Cole and says if Cole ever mentions his Mom again Cole will never speak again. Lawler says Cole has talked him down and prasied his friends. Lawler says he does not care if he gets fired he wants a match at WM against Cole. Cole(with great acting as nervous) says Lawler will never get him in the ring and goes back to commentary. Lawler tells Cole to be a man and show everybody what hes got. Lawler calls Cole a coward. Cole takes off his jacket and throws a drink in Lawler's face. Cole runs away to backstage.

Backstage: The Corre(WWE Tag Team Champions) walking.


Commerical: Chaperone in 3 theaters now.

Video Recap: Cole/Lawler from moments ago.

Lawler replaces Cole at commentary.

5. The Corre(Justin Gabriel & Heath Slater w/ Ezekiel Jackson & Wade Barrett)(WWE Tag Team Champions) vs Miz(WWE Champion) & John Cena w/ Alex Riley. WWE Tag Team Championship Titles Match. Ref Mike Chioda. Lawler & Josh talk about Cole's words against him. Lawler says he let the fans down and Cole has to deal with it. Miz wins with a the Skull Crushing Finale to win the WWE Tag Team Titles(hey its Edge & C**** B*****!)(Censored it, WWE style). Wade says The Corre wants a rematch right now. Raw's GM rings in. Josh reads a email from the GM! Josh says ring the bell.


Commmercial: Next SD.

6. Miz(WWE Champion) & John Cena(WWE Tag Team Champions) vs The Corre(Heath Slater & Justin Gabriel w/ Wade Barrett & Ezekiel Jackson). WWE Tag Team Championship Titles Match. Ref Mike Chioda. Cena does a 5 Knuckle shuffle where he takes off on of his armband;s. Wade discrats Chioda and Miz lays out Cena and Slater picks up the pin for the win to become NEW Tag Team Champions! Miz & Riley leave to stage.(man and all those people say the tag titles are a joke..............)

My Rating Commin Later

WWE Elmination Chamber from Oakland,CA. 2/20

Photos via:

TV Network: PPV.($55).

TV Commentators: Michael Cole, Josh Matthews, & Booker T.

Ring Announcers: Tony Chimel & Justin Roberts.

Backstage Interviewer: Todd Grisham & Matt Striker.

Live from Oracle Arena in Oakland,CA.

Video Package: Opening Video then Pyro.

Alberto Del Rio comes down to the ring. Alberto says my name is Alberto Del Rio but you already know that. Alberto says he is not putas from Oakland. Alberto says he will win the title at WM as its his destiny. Alberto says Kingston is trash and can't stop destiny.

1. Alberto Del Rio vs Kofi Kingston. Ref John Cone. Alberto wins with a Arm Bar to make Kingston submit.

Backstage: Randy Orton pacing back & forth.

Commentators talk about Randy Orton in the chamber match tonight.

Backstage: Edge(World Champion) Interviewed. Edge says today has been really calm until now and says how no champion has ever left the chamber with the title but he once won a chamber match and he surived Vickie he can survice tonight easy. Drew McIntyre walks up and asks about Kelly Kelly losing her job because of Edge. Drew says Edge took something important from him so he will returnt he favor tonight. Edge says Kelly & the title are alike they will never be seen with Drew.

Graphic: PPV Theme SOng.

Video Package: Elmination Chamber Match.

Thedore Long(SD! GM) comes to stage and annouces Dolph Ziggler's replacment... the Big Show.

2. Kane(In Chamber) vs Drew McIntyre(In Chamber) vs Wade Barrett(in Chamber) vs Big Show(In Chamber) vs Rey Mysterio(in ring) vs Edge(World Champion)(In Ring). Elmination Chamber Match for the WWE World Championship Title Match. Refs Chad Patton(In ring), Mike Chioda(at Chamber) Scott Armstrong(Door & Chamber), John Cone(at Chamber) & Justin King(At chamber). Wade Barrett In. Kane In. Drew McIntyre In. Drew throws Rey & Wade through Chanber windows. Fans chant "Holy Shit" but their audio is lowered. Big Show throws Wade thourgh one of the plexicglass windows. Big Show pins Wade and elminates him. Kane elminates Big Show with a chokeslam. Kane elminates Drew with a chokeslam. Edge spears Kane and elminates him. Kane lays out Edge & Rey before leaving. Edge wins catching Rey with a spear as Rey jumps off the top rope. WWE Staff come into the ring....Alberto Del Rio comes down to the ring and lays out Edge and applies the arm bar. Christian returns and runs down to the ring and attacks Alberto and lays him out as staff repairs the chamber(really during the segment).

Commercial: WM27.

Commentators talk about WWE Title Match.

Backstage: Jerry Lawler Interviewed. Lawler says this should of been his best week ever but he is still thinking about the death of his mother last week. Lawler says things need to contine on if hes ready or not. Lawler says hes had an ok career but hes never won the WWE title or wrestled at WM. Lawler loves the fans & friends helping him during this time. Crowd chants "Booker".

Video: Outside the arena. Cole says this will always be know as the home of Elmination Chamber 2010(um its 2011).

Booker T goes into the ring. Booker brings out a special guest who will also be a trainer of this years Tough Enough. Trish Stratus comes down to the ring. Booker says Trish looks great. Trish says she is looking for the next superstar or diva.(Crowd is dead). Trish says she has a new catchphrase, "Finnaly the Trish has come back to Oakland" (Crowd still not that into it) "to deleive stratophaction to the millions sucka." Booker says tell me she did not just say that.(Crowd stilll dead). Booker promotes Tough Enough's return. Booker says why is Trish tonight. Trish says to see Jerry Lawler win the WWE title tonight. Booker says "can you give that sucka" Some fans try to start a "puppies" chant. Cole asks if its over yet.(agreeded!).

Commercial: Chaperone film.

3. Santino Marella & Vladmir Kozlov(WWE Tag Team Champions) w/ Tamina vs The Corre(Justin Gabriel & Heath Slater) w/ Ezekiel Jackson. WWE Tag Team Championship Titles Match. Ref Justin King. Gabriel kicks and Vladmir sells it 5 seconds later(hahahah). Gabriel wins with a 450 Splash to win the WWE Tag Team Championships!

Commercial: WWE HOF Ceremony.

Backstage: Miz(WWE Champion) w/ Alex Riley interviewed. Miz says what year is it. He says its not 1983 when it was good to be the king or 1999 to smell what the rock is cooking but its now his time. He will shatter King's dreams tonight. Miz says someone will win the chamber match tonight and lose at WM27.

Commentators talk about Miz.

Vickie Guerrero comes down to the ring. Vickie says SD lost Dolph Ziggler when he was fired. Vickie says he may have attacked Long but she is to explain why. Vickie & Dolph had issues. (Crowd not really into). Vickie says Dolph has anger issues and he was showing her he loved her. Vickie says Dolph is so sorry. Vickie pleads to the fans to make Long rehire Dolph. Vickie says to call Teddy. Vickie says they need a 2nd chance. Thedore Long comes out to the stage. Long says to stop it. Vickie says to do the right thing. Long says he is in a hiring mood. Vickie says this is great news. Vickie says he did not hire Dolph back but did hire Kelly Kelly back to thank Vickie. Kelly Kelly comes down to the ring. Kelly attacks Vickie and LayCool comes down to the ring and attacks Kelly. Trish slowly runs down to the ring(her shoes). LayCool attacks Trish. Trish botchs her move on Layla. Crowd boos. Trish lays out LayCool. Crowd dosen't care.

Video Package: Lawler/Miz fued.

4. Miz(WWE Champion) w/ Alex Riley vs Jerry Lawler. WWE Championship Title Match. Ref Mike Chioda. Riley is ejected. Lawler throws Miz onto Cole. Miz wins with a Skull Crushing Finale. Crowd is still DEAD(no boos or nothing). Cole gets in the ring and celebrats with Miz. Fans chant "Jerry". Cole rambles on about Lawler, Josh looks bored(so am I and everyone else).

Commercial: 2-21-11 tommrow.

Backstage: John Cena eating frutty pepples. Cena Interviewed. Cena says plugs Frutty pepples and leaves.

Backstage: C.M. Punk Interviewed. Punk says he keeps beating Cena and he can't see Cena beating him or anyone else tonight. He can't see anyone leaving as winner besides him.

Commercial: WM27.

Commentators talk about WM27 and tonights chamber match.

Video Recap: World Title match earlier tonight.

5. Randy Orton(In Chamber) vs R-Truth(In Chamber) vs  C.M. Punk(In Chamber) vs John Cena(In Chamber) vs Shemaus(In ring) vs John Morrison(In ring). Elmination Chamber Match where the winner faces Miz at WM27 for the WWE Title. Refs Scott Armstrong(In ring), Mike Chioda(at door and chamber), John Cone(at chamber), Justin King(at chamber), & Chad Patton(at chamber). Randy Orton In. Miz(WWE Champion) & Alex Riley watch from backstage. C.M. Punk In. Orton elminates Punk with a RKO. Raw's GM rings in. Cole reads the email. Cole says and I quote due to Punk's door not giving Punk a fair chance he is back into his pod to reenter the match. John Cena In. R-Truth In. Sheamus elmiantes Truth with a big boot.(this is really boring). Punk In. Punk elminates Orton with a GTS. Morrison jumps from the top of the cell to elimate Sheamus. Punk elminates Morriosn with a GTS. Cena wins with a AA on Punk.(oh my this show sucked, crowd is dead.).

My Rating...commin never

Saturday, February 5, 2011

WWE Smackdown! Recap from Long Island, NY. 2/4

Photos via:

TV Network: SyFy.(Recap based on Universal HD Replay).

TV Commentators: Josh Matthews, Booker T, & Michael Cole.

Ring Announcer: Tony Chimel.

Taped 2/1 from Nassau Veterans Memorial Coliseum in Long Island, NY.

Video: Smackdown Opening(w/Pyro).

Graphic: Alberto Del Rio after his RR win.

Booker T comes down to the ring, does the spinarooni and goes over to commentary replacing Matt Striker.

Picture Recap: Edge/Ziggler from PPV.

Vickie Guerrero(Active SD! GM) & Dolph Ziggler come down to the ring. Matthews says we may never see Thedore Long on SD ever again. Vickie says she has made qualifing matchs for the elmination chamber at the PPV for the World title. Vickie says nobody will forget tonights mixed tag match for the World title. Vickie orders Kelly Kelly to come down to the ring. Kelly Kelly comes down to the ring. Vickie says Kelly is the reason Ziggler did not win the title at the PPV. Vickie says she should have fired Kelly but thats too easy. So she wants to humilate Kelly and break her down and make her be the reason Edge loses his title tonight. Kelly says Vickie is trying to destroy Kelly's personal life and shes sick of it.(way over the top). Vickie has no idea what "little barbie"(lol her real name) is talking about. Kelly yells at Vickie. Ziggler says Kelly is the reason she is no longer champion and Edge used a illigal spear. Ziggler says he is the uncrowned WWE champion. Booker: "Wow." Ziggler says he wants Kelly to possible be the reason he becomes champion tonight. Zigger tells Kelly to get out of the ring. She smacks him and shoves down Vickie. LayCool come down to the ring and crowd Kelly in the corner. Edge runs down to the ring and takes out Ziggler. Edge & Kelly leave to the back.


Graphic: WWE "Fact" of the night.

Commentators talk about Booker joing the SD commentary team.

Graphic: 3 on 2 mixed tag for World Title Match tonight.

Video Recap: Orton/Nexus from Raw.

1. Santino Marella & Vladmir Kozlov(WWE Tag Team Champions) w/ Tamina vs The Corre(Justin Gabriel & Heath Slater). Ref Justin King. Gabriel wins with a 450 Splash.

Commercial: Raw 2010 DVD.


Video Recap: Last week's tag main event.

2. Kofi Kingston(Intercontental Champion) vs Drew McIntyre. Elmination Chamber Qualifying Match Ref John Cone. Cole asks Booker if he has anything to say about Ziggler getting a bye to get into the chamber match. Booker says "No comment". (Commercials). Alberto Del RIo comes on the screen and laughs. McIntyre wins with the Future Shock.

Graphic: Mixed Tag 3 on 2 for World Title match tonight.

Video: 2-21-11.

Graphic: PPV Theme Song.


2. Rey Mysterio vs Jack Swagger. Elmination Chamber Qualifying Match. Ref Chad Patton. Swagger throws Rey into the commentary table, and Booker says to Cole "Their goes your RedBull." Rey wins with a kick to the head.

Commentators talk about the last match then about Alberto on Raw.

Video Recap: Alberto on Raw.

Backstage: Edge talking to Kelly Kelly. Edge says he is sad his title reign ends tonight. Kelly(with horrible acting) says just like everyone else they dont belive in her. Edge says Kelly has to fight two divas at once. Kelly walks away after some more bad acting.


Commercial: Next Raw.

Commentators talk about Lawler's title match at PPV.

Graphic: WWE Title Match at PPV.

Hornswoggle & Rosa Mendes come down tot he ring handing out gifts for Alberto's party. Alberto Del Rio comes down to the ring. Alberto says how he told everyone it was going to be his destiny. Alberto says he saw his little friend and had to come out right away. Alberto says he has a gift for Hornswoggle. Alberto tells Hornswoggle he can get the candy and toys out of the pinata and will share it with all his friends in.....Richardo tells him thier in NJ.(lol). Richardo blindfolds Hornswoggle and spins him around with the stick. Horny cant reach it due to his height. Cole says Rosa is already dizzy. Alberto has the pinata lowed to the thing's level. Hornswoggle hits Alberto with the stick. Hornswoggle looks for the candy. Alberto lays out Hornswoggle!!! Kofi Kingston runs down to the ring and knocks Alberto out of the ring but Alberto comes back and lays Kingston out. Refs run down to the ring with Jack Doan leading the way(so thier all backed up behind him lol)(Nunzio is one of the refs).

Graphic: 3 on 2 Mixed Tag for World Title match tonight.


Graphic: Tough Enough returns in April.

Commentators talk about TE and Booker says he is going to be a coach on TE.

3. Chavo Guerrero vs Kane. Elmination Chamber Qualifying Match. Ref Rod Zapata. Chavo gets no enterance. Kane wins with a Chokeslam in a very quick match.

Video: Chaperone Trailer.

Commentators try to say they liked the movie.

Graphic: Elmination Chamber Match for World Title at PPV.


Video: WM27 is 58 days away.

4. Big Show vs Wade Barrett w/ The Corre. Elmination Chamber Qualifying Match. Ref Jack Doan. Big Show throws Wade into Doan(he was too slow to move) Ezekiel takes out Big Show. Wade wins with a DDT in a quick match. Booker complains their should of been two refs. Big Show goes after the Corre but is layed out. Ezekiel says the end has come and awaken agaisnt Big Show.

Graphic: World Title Match at PPV.

Graphic: 3 on 2 Mixed Tag for World Title Match next.


Video: 2-21-11.

5. Dolph Ziggler & LayCool w/ Vickie Guerrero(Active SD GM) vs Kelly Kelly & Edge(World Champion). 3 on 2 Mixed Tag Match for the WWE World Championship Title Match. Ref Mike Chioda. Before the match starts, Vickie says if Edge uses the spear he will lose the title tonight. Commercial: PPV. Edge goes after Ziggler. McCool accidently takes out Layla. Kelly wins with a spear on Layla! Vickie gets in the ring. Vickie says thats Kelly's final WWE match because she is fired! Kelly starts crying and leaves and Vickie yells at her. Vickie says this is her show and Kelly always had it out for her. Vickie tells Edge that next week Ziggler gets another rematch with her as the special guest ref. Ziggler lays out Edge as Vickie laughs hystercialy.

(End Of Show).

My Rating Commin soon!

Friday, February 4, 2011

Photos via:

TV Network: WGN America.

TV Commentators: Scott Stanford & Josh Matthews, & Matt Striker &  Jack Korpela.

Ring Announcers: Tony Chimel & Justin Roberts.

Taped 1/31 from Dunkin' Donuts Center in Providence, RI. & 2/1 from Nassau Veterans Memorial Coliseum in Long Island, NY.

Video: Opening.

Graphic: Baretta/JTG vs Hawkins/Baretta

Zack Ryder & Primo come down to the ring. Ryder says they are the hottest tag team in the WWE. Primo says they are the only undeafted team in WWE. Ryder says the WWE fans are down with them. Primo says nobody cant stop them from going to WM, You know it.

1. Zack Ryder & Primo vs Yoshi Tatsu & David Hart Smith. Ref Rod Zapata. Yoshi wins with a Japanese Buzzsaw kick on Ryder.

Graphic: Hawkins/Reks vs JTG/Baretta




2. Melina vs Tamina. Ref John Cone. Tamina gets added audio cheers. Melina wins Sunset Split.

Graphic: JTG/Baretta vs Hawkins/Reks tonight.

Commercial: Raw 2010 DVD.


Video Package: Alberto Del Rio.

Commentators talk about Raw.

Video Package: Raw Recap.

3. JTG & Trent Baretta vs Curt Hawkins & Tyler Reks. Ref Justin King. (Commercials) Commercial: 2/21/11. (Commercials). Hawkins wins with a flying elbow on JTG. Reks lays out Hawkins after the match.

(End Of Show).

My Rating Commin later)