Monday, February 21, 2011

WWE Elmination Chamber from Oakland,CA. 2/20

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TV Network: PPV.($55).

TV Commentators: Michael Cole, Josh Matthews, & Booker T.

Ring Announcers: Tony Chimel & Justin Roberts.

Backstage Interviewer: Todd Grisham & Matt Striker.

Live from Oracle Arena in Oakland,CA.

Video Package: Opening Video then Pyro.

Alberto Del Rio comes down to the ring. Alberto says my name is Alberto Del Rio but you already know that. Alberto says he is not putas from Oakland. Alberto says he will win the title at WM as its his destiny. Alberto says Kingston is trash and can't stop destiny.

1. Alberto Del Rio vs Kofi Kingston. Ref John Cone. Alberto wins with a Arm Bar to make Kingston submit.

Backstage: Randy Orton pacing back & forth.

Commentators talk about Randy Orton in the chamber match tonight.

Backstage: Edge(World Champion) Interviewed. Edge says today has been really calm until now and says how no champion has ever left the chamber with the title but he once won a chamber match and he surived Vickie he can survice tonight easy. Drew McIntyre walks up and asks about Kelly Kelly losing her job because of Edge. Drew says Edge took something important from him so he will returnt he favor tonight. Edge says Kelly & the title are alike they will never be seen with Drew.

Graphic: PPV Theme SOng.

Video Package: Elmination Chamber Match.

Thedore Long(SD! GM) comes to stage and annouces Dolph Ziggler's replacment... the Big Show.

2. Kane(In Chamber) vs Drew McIntyre(In Chamber) vs Wade Barrett(in Chamber) vs Big Show(In Chamber) vs Rey Mysterio(in ring) vs Edge(World Champion)(In Ring). Elmination Chamber Match for the WWE World Championship Title Match. Refs Chad Patton(In ring), Mike Chioda(at Chamber) Scott Armstrong(Door & Chamber), John Cone(at Chamber) & Justin King(At chamber). Wade Barrett In. Kane In. Drew McIntyre In. Drew throws Rey & Wade through Chanber windows. Fans chant "Holy Shit" but their audio is lowered. Big Show throws Wade thourgh one of the plexicglass windows. Big Show pins Wade and elminates him. Kane elminates Big Show with a chokeslam. Kane elminates Drew with a chokeslam. Edge spears Kane and elminates him. Kane lays out Edge & Rey before leaving. Edge wins catching Rey with a spear as Rey jumps off the top rope. WWE Staff come into the ring....Alberto Del Rio comes down to the ring and lays out Edge and applies the arm bar. Christian returns and runs down to the ring and attacks Alberto and lays him out as staff repairs the chamber(really during the segment).

Commercial: WM27.

Commentators talk about WWE Title Match.

Backstage: Jerry Lawler Interviewed. Lawler says this should of been his best week ever but he is still thinking about the death of his mother last week. Lawler says things need to contine on if hes ready or not. Lawler says hes had an ok career but hes never won the WWE title or wrestled at WM. Lawler loves the fans & friends helping him during this time. Crowd chants "Booker".

Video: Outside the arena. Cole says this will always be know as the home of Elmination Chamber 2010(um its 2011).

Booker T goes into the ring. Booker brings out a special guest who will also be a trainer of this years Tough Enough. Trish Stratus comes down to the ring. Booker says Trish looks great. Trish says she is looking for the next superstar or diva.(Crowd is dead). Trish says she has a new catchphrase, "Finnaly the Trish has come back to Oakland" (Crowd still not that into it) "to deleive stratophaction to the millions sucka." Booker says tell me she did not just say that.(Crowd stilll dead). Booker promotes Tough Enough's return. Booker says why is Trish tonight. Trish says to see Jerry Lawler win the WWE title tonight. Booker says "can you give that sucka" Some fans try to start a "puppies" chant. Cole asks if its over yet.(agreeded!).

Commercial: Chaperone film.

3. Santino Marella & Vladmir Kozlov(WWE Tag Team Champions) w/ Tamina vs The Corre(Justin Gabriel & Heath Slater) w/ Ezekiel Jackson. WWE Tag Team Championship Titles Match. Ref Justin King. Gabriel kicks and Vladmir sells it 5 seconds later(hahahah). Gabriel wins with a 450 Splash to win the WWE Tag Team Championships!

Commercial: WWE HOF Ceremony.

Backstage: Miz(WWE Champion) w/ Alex Riley interviewed. Miz says what year is it. He says its not 1983 when it was good to be the king or 1999 to smell what the rock is cooking but its now his time. He will shatter King's dreams tonight. Miz says someone will win the chamber match tonight and lose at WM27.

Commentators talk about Miz.

Vickie Guerrero comes down to the ring. Vickie says SD lost Dolph Ziggler when he was fired. Vickie says he may have attacked Long but she is to explain why. Vickie & Dolph had issues. (Crowd not really into). Vickie says Dolph has anger issues and he was showing her he loved her. Vickie says Dolph is so sorry. Vickie pleads to the fans to make Long rehire Dolph. Vickie says to call Teddy. Vickie says they need a 2nd chance. Thedore Long comes out to the stage. Long says to stop it. Vickie says to do the right thing. Long says he is in a hiring mood. Vickie says this is great news. Vickie says he did not hire Dolph back but did hire Kelly Kelly back to thank Vickie. Kelly Kelly comes down to the ring. Kelly attacks Vickie and LayCool comes down to the ring and attacks Kelly. Trish slowly runs down to the ring(her shoes). LayCool attacks Trish. Trish botchs her move on Layla. Crowd boos. Trish lays out LayCool. Crowd dosen't care.

Video Package: Lawler/Miz fued.

4. Miz(WWE Champion) w/ Alex Riley vs Jerry Lawler. WWE Championship Title Match. Ref Mike Chioda. Riley is ejected. Lawler throws Miz onto Cole. Miz wins with a Skull Crushing Finale. Crowd is still DEAD(no boos or nothing). Cole gets in the ring and celebrats with Miz. Fans chant "Jerry". Cole rambles on about Lawler, Josh looks bored(so am I and everyone else).

Commercial: 2-21-11 tommrow.

Backstage: John Cena eating frutty pepples. Cena Interviewed. Cena says plugs Frutty pepples and leaves.

Backstage: C.M. Punk Interviewed. Punk says he keeps beating Cena and he can't see Cena beating him or anyone else tonight. He can't see anyone leaving as winner besides him.

Commercial: WM27.

Commentators talk about WM27 and tonights chamber match.

Video Recap: World Title match earlier tonight.

5. Randy Orton(In Chamber) vs R-Truth(In Chamber) vs  C.M. Punk(In Chamber) vs John Cena(In Chamber) vs Shemaus(In ring) vs John Morrison(In ring). Elmination Chamber Match where the winner faces Miz at WM27 for the WWE Title. Refs Scott Armstrong(In ring), Mike Chioda(at door and chamber), John Cone(at chamber), Justin King(at chamber), & Chad Patton(at chamber). Randy Orton In. Miz(WWE Champion) & Alex Riley watch from backstage. C.M. Punk In. Orton elminates Punk with a RKO. Raw's GM rings in. Cole reads the email. Cole says and I quote due to Punk's door not giving Punk a fair chance he is back into his pod to reenter the match. John Cena In. R-Truth In. Sheamus elmiantes Truth with a big boot.(this is really boring). Punk In. Punk elminates Orton with a GTS. Morrison jumps from the top of the cell to elimate Sheamus. Punk elminates Morriosn with a GTS. Cena wins with a AA on Punk.(oh my this show sucked, crowd is dead.).

My Rating...commin never

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