Monday, May 2, 2011

WWE Raw Recap from Miami, FL. 5/2

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TV Network: USA Network.

TV Commentators: Michael Cole, Jerry Lawler, & Josh Matthews.

Ring Announcer: Justin Roberts.

Live from American Airlines Arena in Miami, FL.

In Attendence: Tye-Dye Guy.

Video Package: Recap of 9/11 & WWE's 1st show after.

Lillian Garcia sings the U.S. National Anthem. Fans chant "USA"

Video: Raw Opening.

Graphic: Rock's Bday Party tonight.

Rock comes down to the ring. Rock says finnaly the Rock has come home. Rock says I only have one thing to say, we got him. Rock thanks the man and women of the US Armed Forces. Rock wants everyone to say the Pledge of Allegiance with him. Rock says when he was borned all the nurses gathered round and says this baby is named Johnson. Rock makes fun of his old mustache. Fans chant "Rocky". Rock says he went to college here in Miami at Miami U. Rock talks about comming to the WWE but he is done talking he wants to party all over south beach. If you smell....Raw's GM rings in. Cole says and I quote... Rock stops him, Rock says he can't hear Cole. Rock tells Cole to get in the ring. Cole says no. Rock says if Cole is scared of him but Cole won his match at the PPV and at WM so he must feel like a tough guy. Rock says he can be a tough guy or be the voice and get in the ring. Be a man or sit in your glass box looking like a jack bag bitch. Fans chant "Rocky." Cole says he is not scared of anything. Cole says he differnt then when Rock humilated him everything. Cole wants to give the Rock of a exaample of how he is a winner. Cole shows off his Kevin Garnett jersey. Cole says Miami is jealous since he has more world championships then anyone and is about to add one more. Cole tells Dwayne he will come into the ring. Cole gets in the ring. Cole says the Raw's GM needs a apology or the Raw GM will shut down the party. Cole wants a apology too. Cole wants the Rock to say sorry to him. Rock says he disrespeted the GM and Cole and he says he is sorry. Rock puts out of his hand. Rock says to take his apolgy or don't time. They shake hands. Cole says thanks for apolgying. Rock says thank you to Cole to (Censored) and he lays out Cole with a Rock Bottom and People's elbow. Rock says this Miami the Rock's home and the biggest party. Rock brings out Pitbull to the stage. Pitbull sings some of his songs. Miami Heat girls dance of the stage. Pitbull wish the Rock a happy Bday.

Graphic: Truth/Morrison next.

Video: Lebron James & Dwayne Wade wish Rock a happy Bday.


Video Recap: Morrison/Truth from last week.

Jim Ross to commentary.

John Morrison comming down to the ring and R-Truth attacks Morrison on his way to the ring. Truth lays out Morrison. Refs help Morrison away but Truth lays him out again.


Video: Miami Skyline.

Video: Jimmy Kimmel wish happy birthday to Dwayne and he says he spends his birthday with abunch of men in thier underwear too. Kimmel says he is a candy ass and drops candy on the table.

1. Maryse vs Kelly Kelly. Ref Justin King. Kharma comes down to the ring. Kharma lays out Maryse. Kharma leaves laughing at Kelly.

Backstage: Miz talking to Alex Riley. Miz asks where Riley has been. Riley says their is so many people here. Miz asks where Alex was last night. Alex says he got drafted to SD!(he was backstage at PPV and talked to him!). Miz tells Alex to stop making excuses and to be at ringside. Miz says after tonight everyone will be talking about the new WWE champion.

Graphic: WWE Title Match tonight.

Graphic: Rock's Bday party keeps going.

Video: Paul Walker wish Rock a happy Bday.


Video: Samuel L. Jackson wishs Rock a Happy Bday.

Backstage: Rock partying with WWE Divas. Rock talks about singing to Mrs. Obama and then President hit him with the Obama eye brow. Rock talks to Thedore Long(SD! GM). Vladmir Kozlov says he wrote him a movie script. Rock asks if he is crazy. Santino Marella walks up as Vin Diesel and Rock ticks him. Santino says he needs backup. Hornswoggle runs up as the scorpion king. Great Khali comes in dressed as the tooth fairy. Khali says Rock can't handle the tooth. Ron Simmonds walks up and says "DAMN!"

Backstage: Cena & Miz walking.

Commercial: That's What I am.


Videeo: Steve Carell wishs Rock a happy Bday. Steve says he does not like Dwayne Johnson and hated acting with him. Steve says he is not being payed to promote Rock so he is doing this agaisnt his will. Steve taks succes for Rock.

2. Miz w/ Alex Riley vs John Cena(WWE Champion). WWE Championship Title Match. Ref Mike Chioda. You can see them talking back & forth on what to do. Miz takes off the turnbuckle. Chioda is knocked down and Cena makes Miz submit to the STF. Alex hits Miz with the breifcase and Miz hits the Skull Crushing finale and Alex throws Chioda back into the ring, but Cena kicks out. Alex discrats the ref and Miz clocks Cena with the title and pick up the win!!! Chioda sees the title in the ring and DQ's Miz so Cena keeps the title. Miz yells at Riley. Cena lays out Miz & Riley.

Graphic: Rock's Bday keeps going.

Video: Ellen wish Rock a happy Bday. Ellen says she needs his own catchphrases.


Commercial: DX Commercial.

Video: Tyler Perry wish Rock a happy Bday.

Video: Miami Skyline.

Commentators talk about the last match.

Video from last night: John Cena tells the crowd that the President just annouced they killed Osama Bin Laden.(Edited out Cena saying President Obama).

Alberto Del Rio comes down to the commentary.

3. Rey Mysterio & Kofi Kingston(U.S. Champion) vs Jack Swagger & Drew McIntyre. Ref Charles Robinson. Rey wins with a 619 on McIntyre. Alberto goes after Rey but Rey knocks him down. (productionm mistake showing video early).

Video: WWE's Be a Star promotion. WWE promotes thier film during this.

Graphic: Rock's party.

Video: Ludacris wishs Rock a happy Bday and talks about thier movie.


Graphic: WWE "Fact" of the night.

Video: Dan Marino wish Rock a happy Bday.

Backstage: Rock congradulates Christian on winning the World Title. Vickie Guerrero comes in. Vickie says her and Dolph Ziggler got Rock a cake with some pie in it. Mae Young pops out and wishs Rock a happy bday. Dolph & Vickie laugh. Rock tells them to shut up. Rock says Vickie says will never and the Rock means never will Vickie look as good as mae. Vickie says she thinks, Rock says it does not matter what you think! Rock gives Mae a big kiss. Rock says he gets more pie in one night then Dolph ever gets. John Cena is their. Cena says he has a gift from Cena and shows off the WWE Title. Cena says he will keep the title until WM28 to have the biggest match in WM28 history. Cena says if the Rock wants it he has to come through him, Rock says to just bring it. Cena says happy Bday and leaves.

Backstage: Kane walking.

Commerical: TE.


Graphic: Pitbull CD/

Video: George Lopez wishs the Rock a happy Bday. Lopez gives Rock a coupon for a massage. Lopez draws a elbrow on his forehead.

4. Mason Ryan w/ C.M. Punk vs Kane(1/2 WWE Tag Team Champion). Ref Scott Armstrong. C.M. Punk attacks Kane but Kane lays him out. DQ Kane wins. Rest of Nexus comes down to the ring. Ryan & Nexus lay out Kane, Big Show(1/2 WWE Tag Team Champion) comes down to the ring and lays out Nexus but Ryan lays him out. Ryan walks out on Nexus.

Graphic: Rock's party next.

Video: Regis & Kelly wish Rock a happy Bday. Regis says his bicep is 39 and knows he can take the Rock. Regis wants the Rock.

Commercial: That's What I Am.


Commercial: Next SD!

Video: Craig Ferguson wishs Rock a happy Birthday! Craig says Rock also smells the best like Peachs the stripper.

Rock comes down to the ring. Every single fan is wearing party hats. Rock thanks all the fans for comming to one of the best nights of his life. Rock thanks his family here tonight and his family at home, the WWE. Rock says this will be the biggest celebraction in the history of TV. Rock says next year's WM28 will be the biggest and greatest of all time. Mr. McMahon comes out to the stage! McMahon says he thanks Rock for celebracting with WWE. McMahon talks about the Rock wanting a oppourtiny to raise WWE to big heights to do something no WWE star has ever done before. Fans chant "Rocky". McMahon thanks Rock for all he does. Fans say "What". McMahon makes fun of them. McMahon thanks Rock for being the Rock. Rock says the WWE has a present for him. McMahon thanks Rock for comming home. Video Package: Rock's career. from childhood to now. Fans chant "Rocky". Maya comes out to the stage and sings happy birthday to the Rock. Rock says if you smell what the rock is cooking. Confetti falls from the sky and alot of ballons.

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