Tuesday, April 5, 2011

WWE Raw Recap from Atlanta,GA. 4/4

Photos via: WWE.com

TV Network: USA Network.

TV Commentators: Jim Ross & Jerry Lawler.

Ring Announcer: Justin Roberts.

Live from Phillips Arena in Atlanta,GA.

In Attendence: Tye Dye Guy.

Graphic: Cena calls out Rock tonight.

JR & Lawler talk about being back together.

Triple H(wearing sunglasses) comes down to the ring. HHH says this is the most pain he has every been in. HHH says he was nervous and emotional for the first time last night. HHH says UnderTaker is willing to destroy himself to keep his streak. HHH said he beat on him unlike any man before, he just kept comming. HHH says they left everything in the ring last night. HHH says for himself it was not good enough. HHH says no man every kept comming like that with him before. HHH says he saw a man last night. HHH says he and Taker will never be the same again. HHH says people are saying UnderTaker will never be back. HHH takes off his sunglasses and says thank you to UnderTaker. HHH says he had the fight of his life. HHH says he knows UnderTaker will be back as thier was magic. HHH says he will be waiting for when he comes back.

Lawler & JR talk about Michael Cole challenging Lawler to a rematch tonight. Lawler says he is dressed to wrestle.


Video: Atlanta Skyline.

Graphic: Stone Cold Steve Austin here tonight.

JR & Lawler talk about last night's Cole/Lawler match. Lawler says he was happy with his match.

Michael Cole walks out to the stage in her wrestling gear from last night. Cole says he made history at WM last night. Cole says Stone Cold was bias last night but he won. Cole says he overcame everything to beat the King. Cole says everybody was talking about him after last night. Cole says he stole the show and is 1-0 at WM. Cole says he is now Mr. Wrestlemania. Lawler gets up and says for Cole to shut up. Lawler says a laptop beat him last night. Lawler says Cole was crying like alittle girl last night. Crowd chants "You tapped out". Lawler says everyone will know Cole as a worthless jackass. Cole says how Lawler could not beat him until Stone Cold helped him. Cole wants Lawler to admit hes a better man. Cole says tonight a rematch. Lawler agrees, right now. Cole laughs and walks down to the ring. Cole says he forgot to say its a rematch from last week agaisnt Jack Swagger. Jack Swagger comes down to the ring.

1. Jerry Lawler vs Jack Swagger w. Michael Cole. Ref Jack Doan. Cole discrats Doan, and Lawler chases Cole into the ring and then out, and Swagger wins by a ankle lock. Swagger won't let go and Lawler gets the win by DQ. Cole yells at JR and pours BBQ sauce on him. JR goes after Cole and Cole runs away, with JR walking behind him.

Graphic: Orton/Rey vs CM/Rhodes next.

Commercial: WM28.

Commercial: Tough Enough.


WWE worded special "fact" of the night.

Cole, Josh Matthews, & Booker T are the commentary team.

2. Randy Orton & Rey Mysterio vs Cody Rhodes & C.M. Punk. Ref Scott Armstrong. Titantron keeps going in and out. (Commericals) (Commercials) (Commercials) Orton wins with a RKO on Rhodes.

Graphic: Rock called out by Cena tonight.

Backstage: Stone Cold Steve Austin walking and looks at Triple H. He says if it happens again he will be their.


Video: Sin Cara comming soon.

Graphic: WWE.com

Stone Cold Steve Austin comes down to the ring. Stone Cold says Tough Enough starts tonight after Raw. Stone Cold brings out the cast of Tough Enough down to the ring. Miss USA says what along with the fans. Stone Cold has them all introduce themselves. They all introduce themselves. Fans chant "Stun them all". Miz(WWE Champion) & Alex Riley come out to the stage. Cole wets himself with excitment. Miz says how he was on TE back in 2004 and everybody told him to go back to Real World but after last night nobody will ever tell him to go back.

Video Recap: Miz/Cena from WM.

Miz says he got a concussiuon last night but he went on to retain the title. Miz says how he headlined WM and beat Cena. Miz & Riley come down to the ring. Miz says he is the new face of the WWE. Miz says this is the closest any of them(TE ppl) will ever get to a championship. Miz asks if Stone Cold wants to hold his title too. Miz wonders if Stone Cold has one more run in him. Fans chant "One more match". Miz wants to know if Stone Cold wants one more match. Stone Cold tells the TR people to get out of the ring. Miz & Riley attack Stone Cold and Miz leaves. Stone Cold lays out Riley. Stone Cold had his beers to the TE kids. Fans boo. They all cheers each other. Stone Cold throws beer at Cole.

Graphic: Cena calls out the Rock tonight.


Commercial: TE tonight.

Graphic: Another WWE "Fact" of the night.

3. Alberto Del Rio w/ Richardo Rodriguez & Brodus Clay vs Evan Bourne. Ref Mike Chioda. Alberto wins by submission with the arm bar.

Commercial: DX DVD.

Commercial: WWE TE next.

Commercial: Superstars videogame.


Video: Atlanta skyline.

Reaired Video Package: WM week.

Matthews & Booker & Cole talk about WM week. Cole says he wants to face Lawler next year in the art show.

Vickie Guerrero & Dolph Ziggler come out to the stage. Cole says Vickie has tights like him. Vickie says LayCool cost them the win last night. Ziggler says Snooki was the most talented tonight and wants to face Trish & Morrison again tonight as they will again not get the job done.


Commercial: TE next.

4. Dolph Ziggler & Vickie Guerrero vs John Morrison & Trish Stratus. Ref Chad Patton. Morrison wins with Star Ship Pain. Booker says "I don't think he got all of it." (lol).

Graphic: Rock is called out by Cena tonight.

Commercial: WWEShop.com

Commercial: TE next.


5. Sheamus(U.S. Champion) vs Daniel Bryan. WWE United States Championship Title Match. Ref Charles Robinson. Matthews talks about the DVD exclusive matchs from last night. Sheamus wins with a Big Boot. Sheamus lays out Bryan after the match. Sin Cara comes down to the ring and lays out Sheamus.

Graphic: Cena calls out Rock next.


Commercial: TE next.

Video: This show was taped in Geogia.

Graphic: Another WWE "Fact" of the night.

John Cena comes down to the ring. Cena says the final moment of WM would of been a draw if it was not for the Rock. Cena says he will not complain and congradulates the mIz. Cena says Miz got to walk into WM champion and walk out stilll champ. Cena says Miz is still the most annoying and hopes he never faces him again but has earned everyones respect. Cena says back to about the Rock. Cena says the Rock is here tonight. Cena says how the Rock got into his bussiness last night so they have bussiness to settle right now. Rock comes down to the ring. Crowd chants "Fruitty Pebbles." Rock says what did Cena think was going to happen after what he did to him last week. Rock says the people love what the Rock does talking smack. Rock says Cena is wrong about respect. Rock respects Cena. Rock says Cena lives and breaves the WWE. Rock knows because of that Cena is one of the best ever. Cena says he knows. Rock says Rock just does not like him. Rock says they are polar opposties in every way but but very similar for wanting to do everything the best. Rock says but Cena shops at Baby gap. Cena says oh fashion advice from the tooth fairy. Cena says for the Rock to listen to the people since he is the peoples champion. Cena says the people want a match but they want a match where generations collide in Cena vs Rock. Cena says do you want to talk about it or bring it. Rock says Cena has no idea what he just asked for. Rock says he will bring it, and make history, in the biggest match of all time on the biggest stage of them all WM28.(I laughed). Rock says it will be the people's champion vs Cena for the people's WM. Rock puts out his hand for Cena to shake. They shake hands. Cole says history was made tonight as the WM was set one year out for next year in Miami.(so Cena won;t win the Rumble.) The Corre comes down to the ring. Corre attacks Cena & the Rock but are layed out. Cena hits 4 knuckle shuffle and Rock hits People's elbow then Cena with Attitude adjustment and Rock bottom on Slater & Wade. Rock & Cena shake hands again.

End Of Show(at 11:15pm as advertised).

My Rating

Best Parts

1. HHH opening segment. Good stuff just went alittle too long.

2. Tag Match. Nice match just too many commericals.

3. Rock/Cena very memorable moment, but should'nt they just kept doing stuff like once a month or every 4 months then have them finnaly say see you at WM.

50/50 Parts

1. Alberto/Bourne ok match, thought it was going to be just a squash. But why was this here?

2. Mixed Tag. Ok match nothing special. Is Trish back for good?

3. US Title Match. Ok match but could of been better and longer

4. Sin Cara's Debut. First Look wow amazing, 2nd look he used a trampoline.......

Worst Parts

1. Commercials about Tough Enough, Graphics, etc. annoying and a waste of time as always.

2. Swagger/Lawler/Cole/JR. really lame. Cole talked too long, Lawler/Swagger match was ok, then Cole hits JR with BBQ sauce to cause him to leave? and Cole returns?

3. Stone Cold/TE kids. Too much time and was boring. 

Should you watch the replay? No just watch HHH segment & Rock/Cena stuff.

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