Tuesday, April 26, 2011

WWE Raw Recap from Raleigh,NC. 4/25

Photos via: WWE.com

WWE Draft Special

TV Network: USA Network.

TV Commentators: Michael Cole, Jerry Lawler, & Josh Matthews.

Ring Announcer: Justin Roberts.

Backstage Interviewer: Todd Grisham & Scott Stanford.

Live from RBC Center in Raleigh, NC.

1. Mark Henry vs Ted Dibase vs Sheamus(U.S. Champion) vs Vladmir Kozlov vs Mason Ryan vs Evan Bourne vs Yoshi Tatsu vs Great Khali vs Santino Marella vs Daniel Bryan vs Kane(1/2 WWE Tag Team Champion) vs Kofi Kingston vs Chris Masters vs Brodus Clay vs Heath Slater vs Ezekiel Jackson vs Wade Barrett(Intercontenal Champion) vs Drew McIntyre vs Cody Rhodes vs Big Show(1/2 WWE Tag Team Champion). 20- Man Over the Top Rope Battle Royal for one picks. Refs Justin King, Chad Patton & John Cone. Kane elminated, Khali elminated, Vladmir elminated. Ezekiel elminated. Slater elminated, Masters elmianted. Wade elmianted, Dibase elmianted, Henry & Clay elmianted, Yoshi eliminated, Sheamus elimated, (Commercials). McIntrye elminated, Santino elminated, Cody Elminated, Bryan elmianted, Bourne elmianted, Ryan elmianted, Big Show & Kofi Kingston win it for Smackdown! Going to Smackdown is: John Cena

Commerical: That's what I am film.

Commercial: Tough Enough.


Graphic: WWE "Fact" of the night.

Backstage: John Cena interviewed. Cena says he is shocked and in awe. Cena says this is the biggest move in WWE history. Cena says life changes and like Dennis Rodman to man to woman back to man. Cena says he will bring the WWE Championship to Smackdown on the PPV. Miz(WWE Champion) walks up. Miz says its too bad Miz beats Cena at the PPV and Miz will be his show w/o Cena.

Commentators talk about WWE Title at PPV. & Tonights show, & R-Truth last week.

Graphic: Cole/JR.

Video Package: Truth/Morrison last week.

R-Truth comes out to the stage. Truth says to not boo him but for the fans to boo themselves. Truth say you is up. Truth says his friend John Morrison last week. Crowd says What? Truth says how Morrison challenged for his spot on the PPV. Truth says thier Pissing him the hell off.(WWE trys to mute the the audio as we are Rated G). Truth says its the fans fault Morrison challenged him and Truth did it because the fans wanted to him. He lost because of the fans. He says he is pissed off(Audio drop). Truth says he tired of being what the fans want. Truth says he did everything for the fans and they need better dance moves. Truth parodys a little kid cheering for him.(Really like heel R-Truth). Truth says little Jimmy dancing is not getting him any titles. Truth says for 10 yrs he did what the fans wanted but now he is goin with himself. Truth says for everyone to boo themselves. Truth says 10 yrs of frustaction it fell marvelous letthing them go. Truth is happy for the truth setting him free. John Morrison attacks Truth from behind. They fight and Refs pull them apart.

Commercial: Rock's birthday.


Video: Kharma comming soon.

Video Recap: McCool/Layla last week.

2. Eve Torres vs Layla. For One Draft Pick. Ref Rod Zapata. Michelle McCool comes down to ringside. Michael Cole comes to ringside and says Eve is putting everyone to sleep. Eve wins with a rollup in 1 minute. Cole heads backstage to get ready for his next match. Layla & McCool fight and Layla lays her out. Layla's acting sucked! Raw gets Rey Mysterio!

Backstage: Jim Ross warming up. Lawler: Oh no he's winded.

Commercial: PPV.


Graphic: WWE.com.

Backstage: Cody Rhodes Interviewed. Cody says because he and Rey are now on differnt shows he wants to give Rey a present at the PPV when he gives him a new Mask and make him have emergency surgery.

3. Kofi Kingston vs Sheamus(United States Champion). For One Draft Pick. Ref John Cone. Kingston wins with Trouble in Paradise. Smackdown gets Randy Orton!

Graphic: JR/Cole next.


Commercial: TE.

Booker T to commentary.

Video Recap: Cole knighted by Queen(Actress who was also used on Big Brother UK two years ago).

4. Michael Cole w/ Jack Swagger vs Jim Ross. Ref Mike Chioda. Lawler goes to ringside. Cole is cut open! Swagger lays out Lawler. Swagger lays out JR resulting in a DQ. JR wins by DQ. JR is not seeling the ankle lock good.(no screaming no tapping out). Lawler chases Swagger away. Lawler whips Cole and Cole escapes. Swagger & Cole leave. Raw's GM rings in. Matthews reads it. And I quote their match sunday will now be a country whipping match. JR's hand is cut open. JR leaves.

Backstage: Miz(WWE Champion) & Alex Riley Interviewed by Scott Stanford. Miz says everybody has forgot about him and talking about the Rock. Miz says after he will find a way to win at PPV. Miz says Raw without Miz on it will be cancled within one month.


Video Recap: Punk/Orton last week.

5. Dolph Ziggler w/ Vickie Guerrero vs Randy Orton. For Two Draft Picks. Ref Chad Patton. Orton wins with a RKO. C.M. Punk comes out to the stage. Punk says at the PPV him and Orton will be Extreme but the rules dont apply escape Orton answering the 10 count. Punk says Orton will have no one to blame but himself. Punk says a RKO wont get him a win and he will send Orton to Smackdown. Orton says he will wont miss Punk while he is on Smackdown. Orton says after the PPV Punk won't be doing anything but sleeping in unconsious sleep.

Commercial: PPV.


Commentators talk about two picks comming to SD!

Graphic: Smackdown gets: Mark Henry & Sin Cara.

6. Wade Barrett(Intercontenal Champion) vs Rey Mysterio. For Two Draft Picks. Ref John Cone. Rey wins with a 619. Raw gets Big Show & Kane(1/2 WWE Tag Team Champions) & Alberto Del Rio!

Backstage: Brodus Clay asks what happens to him to Alberto.

Commercial: Next Raw.


Graphic: PPV Theme.

Video: Outside Arena.

Commentators talk about tonight show. Cole is back at commentary. They hype the PPV.

Thedore Long(SD! GM) to stage. Long says tonights main event is 6-man tag for final draft pick.

Miz(WWE Champion) w/ Alex Riley comes down to the ring.


Commercial: I am what I am film.

Graphic: WWE Draft keeps going tommrow at 12pm on WWE.com

7. Miz(WWE Champion), C.M. Punk, & Alberto Del Rio w/ Richardo Rodriguez vs Christian, Mark Henry, & John Cena. For One Draft Pick. Ref Mike Chioda. (Commercials) Commercial: Smackdown. Henry lays out Cena & Christian. Miz wins with a Skull Crushing Finale on Cena. Raw gets John Cena! Cena lays out Miz & Punk.

Commercial: Rock on Raw next week.

(End of Show).

My Rating

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