Monday, April 4, 2011

WWE Wrestlemania 27 Recap from Atlanta,GA. 4/3

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TV Network: PPV($65).

TV Commentators: Michael Cole, Josh Matthews,  & Jerry Lawler.

Ring Announcer: Justin Roberts.

Gust Host: The Rock.

Live from Georgia Dome in Atlanta,GA.

In Attendence: Rove McManus & Gabriel Ingelias.

Keri Wilson on stage sings America The Beautiful.

Video Package: WM27.

The Rock(Guest Host) comes down to the ring. Rock says this will be the most memorable WM ever. He says tonight electricy is in the air. Rock drink bottled water. Rock plays say with me. Rock leaves.

Video Package: WM over the years.

Opening Pyro.

1. Alberto Del Rio w/ Richardo Rodriguez & Brodus Clay vs Edge(World Champion) w/ Christian. WWE World Championship Title Match. Ref Charles Robinson. Christian gets his own enterance. Brodus lays out Christian. Christian gets back up and lays out Brodus. Edge wins with a spear. Edge & Christian use a crow bar to break glasses on Alberto's car.(Camera work missed most of it). Alberto mours his car.

Commercial: Tough Enough return.

Video: Outside Atlanta.

Cole & Lawler trade yells.

Video Recaps: Rey/Cody from January & 2 weeks ago.

2. Cody Rhodes vs Rey Mysterio. Ref Jone Cone. Production misses Rey's enterance. Rey is dressed as Captain America. Cody takes off Rey's leg brace. Rey takes off Cody's mask. Cody hits Rey with the leg brace then hits Cross Rhodes to win.

Lawler & Cole keep arguing(annoying).

Backstage: Snoop Dogg talks to Thedore Long(SD! GM). Snoop wants to find talent for his tour. Long says he has some superstars to try out for him. William Regal raps. Snoop say no. Great Khali & Beth Phoenix sing Summer Loving. Snoop says no. Zach Ryder sings "Friday" Rowdy Roddy Piper takes out Zach with a cocounet. Chris Masters does his boob dance and Yoshi Tatsu sings We will Rock You. Snoop says Next. Hornswoggle pretends to be Cena doing hand movements. Snoop likes it. Long says Horny cant talk. Long & Snoop leave. Hornswoggle raps with the Bella Twins doing thier dance.

3. The Corre(Justin Gabriel & Heath Slater(WWE Tag Team Champions), Wade Barrett(Intercontenal Champion), & Ezekiel Jackson) vs Big Show, Kane, Santino Marella, & Kofi Kingston. Ref Justin King. Cole says how the Corre took out Vladmir Kozlov yesturday at WWE Exxus but we get no video of it, even tho WWE cameras filmed it. Big Show wins with a Knockout punch to Slater in 2 minutes.

Backstage: Rock talks to Eve(Divas Champion) if she is enjoying today. Rock says the next person to come around the corner will get a great moment. Mae Young comes around the corner. Rock calls her a Divasourus. Mae says People's stroodle. Rock says she can have Moses's. ROck introduces Mae to Eve, like your friend Adam & Eve. Mae says she is the one and only Mae Young and will never get old. Rock tells Eve to walk Mae to her seat. Mae brabs Rock's butt. Stone Cold Steve Austin comes around the corner. Rock asks if he will kick some ass today. They have a staredown and shake hands.

Graphic: WM Theme Song.

Video Package: Punk/Orton fued.

4. C.M. Punk vs Randy Orton. Ref Chad Patton. Punk jumps off the top rope into a RKO to give Orton the win.

Cole & Lawler leave commentary.

Backstage: Mean Gene tells Rock its a awesome WM so far. Rock says he heard Cena's #1 fan is going to be her tonight. Mean Gene says he is behind him. Pee Wee Herman says you can't see me. Rock says Pee Wee has potencial in him. Rock says to be a man or a boy on the fruit loop shoot. Mean Gene wears Cena's gear. Pee Wee says he looks like a tool. Mean Gene says he know you are but what are you. Pee Wee joins Team Bring It buy smelling what the Rock is cooking. Pee Wee goofs around with the Rock.

Video Package: WM how it started DVD.

Howard Finkel in the ring and brings out the 2011 HOF class: Shawn Michaels, Abdullash the butcher, Sunny. Road Warriors, Drew Carey, Bob Armstrong, & Hacksaw Jim Duggan.

Graphic: WWE Night on USA Network tommrow.

Video Recap: Swagger/Lawler from Raw.

Booker T & Jim Ross to commentary.

Michael Cole comes down to the ring bashing Lawler's ego and JR's weight. Cole says JR & Lawler are alot alike by being overweight, overhyped, and over the hill. Cole says Lawler has been in this bussiness since before he was alive(what bussiness). Cole says this is his and Lawler's 1st WMs. Cole says after tonight JR will go back to making bad BBQ sauce, Laweler going to humilated, & Stone Cold will raise his hand in victory. Cole will be known as the new Mr. Wrestlemania.

5. Michael Cole w/ Jack Swagger vs Jerry "The King" Lawler. Special Guest Referee: Stone Cold Steve Austin. Stone Cold almost runs over Swagger on his way to the ring, Cole hides in his Colemind. Lawler's back to his old them(thank goodness). Cole gets his face smashed into the glass of his mine(Cole was very funny). (That glass was stronger then the Chamber;s glass). Swagger attacks Lawler. Fans chant "You can't wrestle" at Cole. Fans chant "Boring" Swagger throws in the towel and Stone Cold wipes his head with it and lays out Swagger. The audio is dropped any time Stone Cold curses. Lawler hits a drop kick and Cole says "Holy Shit" Lawler won't let Stone Cold count to 3. Lawler puts Cole in the ankle lock and Cole taps like crazy and Stone Cold asks him very slow "Do you tap out" Lawler wins. Swagger carrys Cole out. Stone Cold & Lawler have a beer bash together. Booker T joins them in the ring. Booker does a spinarooni. Stone Cold lays out Booker. Raw's GM rings in. Matthews reads it. Matthews says and I quote... the ref interfered in the match so Lawler is DQ'd and Michael Cole wins! Cole & Swagger celebeate on the stage. Lawler has Matthews read it again. Stone Cold throws a beer at him. Lawler throws Matthews in the ring and Stone Cold lays out Matthews! Stone Cold drives away.

JR & Lawler are the commentary team.

Video Package: WM week.

Video: Outside the arena.

Video Package: HHH/Taker fued.

6. Triple H(dressed as King of Kings again) vs UnderTaker. Career vs Career in a No Holds Barred Match. Ref Scott Armstrong. HHH comes out to Who the Bell Tows then his normal theme. HHH uses a steel chair on Taker. HHH tries to get his hammer but can't. UnderTaker makes HHH submit to Hell'sGate in a 35 minute+ match. A trainer checks on Taker. Taker keeps falling down. Trainer calls for a stretcher. Another trainer rides down a cart and take Taker away on it.

Commercial: WWE Don't try this.

Commercial: WM28 in Miami.

7. Dolph Ziggler & LayCool w/ Vickie Guerrero vs John Morrison, Trish Stratus, & Snooki. Ref Jack Doan. Snooki hits a Molly Go round then a splash for the win on McCool!

Commercial: Next PPV.

Video: Outside Arena.

Roberts annouces a record attendce for any Entertaiment event at the dome with 71,617 people.

8. Miz(WWE Champion) w/ Alex Riley vs John Cena. WWE Championship Title Match. Ref Mike Chodia. Miz's enterance shows him on Real World, Tough Enough, SD! host, and his rise to the top in WWE w/ classic WWE moments with "You can hate me now" playing. Cena's enterance has gospel sing with video clips of his as a kid and with his fans with a prayer in the backround talking. Gospel starts singing "Your time is up my time is now" which turns into Cena's theme. (Crowd boos). They rung the ring bell twice to start the match. Riley throws Cena into the exposed the turnbuckle but Cena kicks. Cena & Miz run into Chioda. Miz hits the Attitude Adjustment but Chioda is out. Riley KO's Cena with the breifcase and puts Miz on Cena but Cena kicks out. Riley yells at Chioda. Miz accidentaly hits Riley with the breifcase and knocks him out. They fight into the crowd. Double Countout but still champion: Miz! Rock comes down to the ring. Raw's GM rings in. Rocks goes and reads the email. Rock says and I quote... I think...Rock yells at the laptop it does not matter what you think and throws down the laptop. Rock says no way WM is over. Rock restarts the match in a No DQ match. Rock says take everything and roll it in a ball and shove it up for candy ass. Rock says its time to give the people what they want. Cena and Miz get back into the ring. Rock lays out Cena with the Rock bottom! Rock leaves. Crowd chants "Rocky" Miz covers Cena to win! Rock comes back to the ring and lays out Miz with a spinebuster and the People's elbow. The Rock stands tall as WM27 ends.

End of Show(ending at 10:59pm closest to 11pm ever that I can remember for a wrestling PPV).

My Rating 6.4/10 A Ok Show. Did not feel Wrestlemania special. Show did not pick up until the Taker/HHH match, if something stronger started the show it could of made the entire show better but the plane never could take off of the runway.

Best Parts

1. Backstage: Rock w/ Mean Gene & Pee Wee. Really funny stuff. Plus was short & sweet.

2.HHH/Taker awesome match. Predicable move by move(finsher kickout, etc.) but was awesome. If it was PG-14 and had some blood it could of been even better. Told a awesome story. Only match that had a WM feeling.

3. Mixed Tag Match. Was short & sweet. Cool to see Trish & McCool in the ring together. Morrison/Ziggler were lame(only one move), and Snooki's cheerleading experience here in Ulster County,NY payed off with a impressive molly go round(never expected that).

4. Miz's enterance. Great video package showing Miz's career so far. Got you pumped.

50/50 Parts

1. World Title Match. Ok match but should of been alot better. Disapointed by that. Post match was stupid, lame, and a waste of time.

2. Rhodes/Rey nothing special. Could of been better. But like that Cody went over to help him.

3. Backstage w/ Snoop. Good: Regal & Ryder very funny. Bad: Masters/Yoshi/Khali/Beth/Hornswoggle/Bellas

4. Backstage w/ Rock/Eve/Mae. Okish just went on too long.

5. Punk/Orton. Ok match nothing special about it, went too long and was kinda boring. Nice finsh.

6. Jim Ross & Jerry Lawler on commentary. Nothing special, JR was not awesome. But was good. My hope is brodcast team goes JR/Matthews/Cole/Regal being used.

7. WWE Title Match. Okish match kinda boring but the finsh with the Rock was good(but very very prediacable).

Worst Parts

1. Commercials, Video Packages, etc. waste of time.

2. Rock's opening segment. Boring and went on too long. Needed to start the show hot not like this.

3. Cole & Lawler arguing back & forth. annoying.

4. 8-Man Tag. Bad match way too quick. nothing was thier. And why tape the Vladmir stuff on Saturday if it was not aired. You could of injuryed him out backstage or on his way to the ring.

5. Cole/Lawler match. If it was shorter it would of been fine. But it went on too long. Michael Cole was hilarous and the finsh was funny too. Post match also went on too long with Booker. Josh Matthews(former tough enough wrestler) sold the stunner great. Plus censoring the audio if Stone Cold cursing was annoying.

6. Cena's enterance was expecting something very extrvagent but it was really lame.

7. No Tony Chimel! what?!

Should you order the replay? No save some money and just get the DVD. The Taker/HHH match is a must see, Snooki stuff will be on TV for free, and backstage segments will be on the DVD plus two bonus matchs.

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