Monday, January 31, 2011

WWE Royal Rumble Recap from Boston,MA. 1/30

Photos via:

TV Network: PPV($55).

TV Commentators: Michael Cole, Jerry Lawler, & Matt Striker.

Ring Announcer: Tony Chimel & Justin Roberts.

Backstage Interviewer: Josh Matthews.

Live from TD Bank Arena in Boston,MA.

In Attendence: Rick "The Sign Guy"

Video Package: Opening Video.

Video Recap: Edge/Ziggler from after SD.

1. Edge(World Champion) vs Dolph Ziggler w/ Vickie Guerrero. WWE World Championship Title Match. Ref Chad Patton. Vickie smacks Edge and Kelly Kelly runs down to the ring. Kelly lays out Vickie. Patton is knocked down. Edge hits a spear on Ziggler while Patton is knocked down. Edge wins with the Unprettier.

Video: WM 63 Days away.

Video: Boston Skyline.

Commentators talk about tonights show.

Video Package: WWE Title Fued.

Backstage: Miz(WWE Champion) w/ Alex Riley Interviewed. Miz says his championship reign was smeared with lies that Lawler or Orton would be champion. Miz says their reason people like them & Tom Brady are not champions. Riley says Miz will win and go to WM.

2. Randy Orton vs Miz(WWE Champion) w/ Alex Riley. WWE Championship Title Match. Ref Jack Doan. Cole says "Vintage Orton". Nexus comes out to ringside. Orton throws Riley out of the into Nexus & Doan(nice airtime). Orton hits the RKO on Miz but C.M. Punk comes to the ring and hits the GTS on Orton and puts Miz ontop of Orton for the win.

Commercial: Next PPV.

Commentators talk about Cody Rhodes.

Backstage: Todd Grisham reads a statement from Cody Rhodes. It says he was going to win the rumble but now instead he has a schatterd face and Rey has not said sorry yet. He wants privacy.

Commmentators talk about Rumble match tonight.

Video: Fans asked who will win the rumble.

3. LayCool vs Natalya(Divas Champion). WWE Divas Championship Title Match. Ref Justin King. Raw's GM rings in. Cole gets caught in his cord. Cole reads the email. And I quote... The Divas Title Match has been changed. It will be a four way Divas title match. Cole says that Eve(nooooooo!) has been added to the match. Eve wins a moonsault on Layla! McCool also had a rollup on Natalya. New Champion: Eve.

Backstage: Daniel Bryan & Gail Kim Interviewed. Daniel says anything can happen. He says for everyone calling him a nerd if hes wwe champion at WM. Bella Twins come up. Josh leaves. They had them flowers. Bellas says Daniel & Gail are in the same league. They argue. Gail & the Bellas fight with Daniel, Josh, & Refs trying to break it up.

Video Package: WM 63 days away.

Video: Old church in Boston.

Commentators talk about the next PPV.

Reaired Video Package: Rumble Facts.

4. 40 Man Royal Rumble Match. Refs Mike Chioda, John Cone, & Charles Robinson. C.M. Punk is first. Corre comes down to ringside. Corre attcks Punk and Nexus comes down to the ring and attacks. Raw's GM rings in. Cole says and I quote. To restore order. Cole says only Punk is allowed to be in the ring. Nexus & Corre must go backstage or be DQ'd. Daniel Bryan(U.S. Champion) is 2nd. Match starts at 9:33pm Every 90 seconds someone enters. #3 9:35pm Justin Gabriel In. 9:36pm #1 Gabriel elminated. #4 9:35pm Zach Ryder In. 9:36pm #2 Ryder elminated. #5 9:37pm William Regal In. #6 9:39pm Ted Dibase Jr. w/ Maryse In. #7 9:40pm John Morrison In. 9:41pm #3 Regal elminated. #8 9:41pm Yoshi Tatsu In. #9 9:44pm Husky Harris In. #10 9:45pm Chavo Guerrero In. Chavo tries to hit the 3 amigos on 4 guys and points to Eddie. #11 9:47pm Mark Henry In. 9:48pm #5 Chavo elmianted. 9:48pm #6 Yoshi elminated. #12 9:48pm JTG In. #13 9:50pm Michael McGillicutty in. 9:51pm #7 JTG elminated. 9:51pm #8 Dibase elmianted. #14 9:51pm Chris Masters In. #15 9:53pm David Otunga In. 9:53pm #9 Bryan elimated. 9:54pm #10 Mastes elmianted. 9:54pm #11 Morrison elimated. 9:54pm #12 Henry elmianted. #16 9:54pm Tyler Reks In. 9:55pm #13 Reks elminated. #17 9:56pm Vladmir Kozlov In. 9:57pm #14 Vladmir elmianted. #18 9:57pm R-Truth In. 9:59pm #15 Truth elmianted. #19 9:59pm Great Khali w/ Runjih Singh in(back from Bigg Boss!). 10:00pm #16 Husky elmianted. #20 10:00pm Mason Ryan In. 10:01pm #17 Khali elmianted. #21 10:02pm Booker T! Vintage Booker T says Cole. Spinarooni!!! 10:04pm #18 Booker elminated. #22 10:04pm John Cena In. 10:05pm #19 Ryan elmaited. 10:05pm #20 & #21 Otunga & McGillcutty elmianted. #23 10:06pm Hornswoggle. 10:08pm #22 Punk elminated. #24 10:08pm Tyson Kidd In. 10:10pm #23 Kidd elminated. #25 10:10pm Heath Slater. 10:11pm #24 Slater elminated. #26 10:12pm Kofi Kingston In. #27 10:13pm Jack Swagger In. #28 10:15pm Sheamus In. 10:16pm #25 Hornswoggle elminated. #29 10:16 Rey Mysterio In. 10:18pm #26 Swagger elmianted. #30 10:18pm Wade Barrett In. #31 10:20pm Dolph Ziggler In. Cole's reading his script too early. #32 10:21pm Diesel In. #33 10:23pm Drew McIntyre In. "Let's Go Diesel!" chants(what?). #34 10:24pm Alex Riley w/ Miz(WWE Champion) In. 10:25pm #27 Diesel elmianted. Miz to commentary. #35 10:26pm Big Show In. 10:27pm #28 Ziggler elmianted. 10:28pm #29 Riley elmaited. #36 10:28pm Ezekiel Jackson In. 10:29pm #29 Drew elmainted 10:29pm #30 Big Show elminated. #37 10:29pm Santino Marella In. 10:30pm Santino gets out of the ring. #38 10:31pm Alberto Del Rio In. #39 10:32pm Randy Orton In. 10:33pm #31 Kingston elimianted. 10:33pm #32 Sheamus elmianted. #40 10:33pm Kane in. 10:35pm #33 Ezekiel elminated. 10:36pm #34 Kane elminated. 10:36pm #35 Rey elminated. Riley comes down to ringside and Miz gets in the ring and throws out Cena at 10:39pm #36 Cena elmianted. Cena tells Cole its not over. 10:41pm #37 Wade elmianted. 10:41pm #38 Orton elminated. Alberto celebrates winning. Santino gets back in the ring #39 10:43pm Santino elminated. Alberto wins!!!!!!!!!!!!!

(End of Show).

My Rating Commin soon!

Friday, January 28, 2011

WWE Smackdown! Recap from Cincinnati,OH. 1/28

Photos via:

TV Network: SyFy.

TV Commentators: Josh Matthews, Matt Striker, & Michael Cole.

Ring Announcer: Tony Chimel.

Backstage Interviewer: Todd Grisham & Jack Korpela.

Taped 1/25 from U.S. Bank Arena in Cincinnati,OH.

Video Package: The Corre last week on SD.

Vickie Guerrero is in the ring. Vickie says Thedore Long(SD! GM) will be here tonight due to last week. She says she is in charge now and wish Long well. Randy Orton comes down to the ring. Orton says he is only here to show thanks for being invited to SD tonight. Orton says for Vickie to excuse him, for what he does to Ziggler tonight and then Miz at the PPV. Orton says he likes Vicie's hair. Dolph Ziggler comes down to the ring. Ziggler says he is going to be champion at the PPV and deserves respect. Ziggler says Vickie deserves respect again too. Orton says you need to earn respect and lays out Ziggler.

Graphic: Rated RKO vs Miz/Ziggler tonight.


Graphic: PPV Theme Song.


1. LayCool vs Kelly Kelly & Kaitlyn. Ref Justin King. Striker says to be quiet and he sings Laycool's theme. Kaitlyn & Kelly attack Laycool on their way to the ring. Kaitlyn with the weakest looking hit from behind ever! McCool wins with Faith Breaker in less then 1 minute. Striker says "Back to watching Tosh.0"(as even Striker does not watch WWE lol)

Commercial: PPV.


2. Drew McIntyre vs JTG. Ref John Cone. Kelly Kelly sits at ringside watching. Drew wins with the Future Shock. After Drew leaves, Kelly stands in the ring watching him leave.

Graphic: Ziggler/Miz vs Rated RKO tonight.


Video: Outside Arena.

Video Recap: Rey/Cody last week.

Backstage: Cody Rhodes Interviewed. Cody has his back to his camera and says he may never be able to show his face again. Cody says Rey went to bash his face on purpose. Cody says he has a broken nose and needs surgery. Cody says doctors wont let him in the Rumble at PPV. Cody says his dreams have been shattered.(Where's Goldust?). Cody says he was the most hansome man in the world. Cody says a little kid yelled at him saying hes no longer dashing(like a little kid would use the word dashing).

Backstage: Edge(World Champion) Interviewed. Korpela is sporting a stupid Josh Matthews interview grin. Edge says he remembers Corre's names. Edge says he will let Corre worry about him comming for them. Edge says he rejoins in Rated RKO tonight agaisnt Miz & Ziggler. Edge says he is taking out his anger on Ziggler tonight.

Backstage: Alberto Del Rio walking and tells Michael Tarver "My Name is Alberto Del Rio but you already knew that." Alberto gets in his car and starts driving out to the arena.


Alberto Del Rio comes down to the ring, he tells us his name but we already know that. Alberto says he will prove his destiny is at the PPV tonight. Alberto says he is having a Royal Rumble tonight with 39 other guys. Alberto says he will win.

3. Alberto Del Rio's Royal Rumble Match. Ref Chad Patton & Justin King. Alberto Del Rio & seth allen start. allen elminated. mike stevens in. Striker spoints out random facts about allen & stevens. stevens elminated. Kane in. Kofi Kingston(IC Champion) in. Kingston elminates Kane & Alberto. Alberto & Kane go after Kingston but Rey Mysterio comes down to the ring. Vickie Guerrero comes out to the stage. No Contest. Vickie makes a tag match with the 4 in the ring right now.

Commercial: Raw 2010 DVD.


4. Alberto Del Rio & Kane vs Rey Mysterio & Kofi Kingston. Ref Mike Chodia. Kane attacks Alberto and leaves. Kingston wins with Trouble in Paradise on Alberto.

Commentators talk about Raw.

Video Recap: Miz/Edge from Raw.

Graphic: Miz/Ziggler vs Rated RKO.


Commerical: PPV.

Video Recap: Big Show/Corre 2 weeks ago.

Big Show comes down to the ring. Big Show talks about how big he is and his championships and how he can be a target. Big Show says Corre made him angry. Big Show says he never won a Rumble match but at PPV. Corre comes down to the ring. Cole says the big mouth asked for it. Corre is wearing new shirts that look like sweaters that somebody's Grandmother made for them. Big Show says none of them have the guts to fight him one on one. Slater attacks Big Show from behind and Ref Justin King follows, and we have a match(huh?).

5. Big Show vs Heath Slater. Ref Justin King. Big Show wins in 2 minutes. Corre attacks Big Show. Daniel Bryan(US Champion), Santino Marella & Vladmir Kozlov(WWE Tag), Chris Masters, & R-Truth run down to the ring and throw Corre out of the ring.

Graphic: Main Event Tag tonight.

Commentators talk about Rumble match.

Reaired Video Package: Rumble Match stats.

Commentators hype the PPV.

Miz(WWE Champion) & Alex Riley come down to the ring. Miz talks about the Truman doctourine and says it has nothing to due with the PPV like Orton with Ziggler tonight. Miz says Orton can RKO every fan and it means nothing. Miz says he will still be champion after PPV.


Graphic: WWE "Fact" Of the night.

6. Miz(WWE Champion) & Dolph Ziggler w/ Vickie Guerrero(Active SD! GM) & Alex Riley vs Rated RKO(Edge(World Champion) & Randy Orton). Ref Chad Patton. (Commericals). Commerical: WWE Action Figures. Commerical: PPV. Commentators said they had tech difficulties which made them go to commercials. Edge wins with a spear on Ziggler. Vickie says Edge's spear is banned from the WWE until further notice. Vickie says if Edge uses the spear at PPV he loses the championship. Edge lays out Ziggler with three more spears.

(End of Show).

My Rating 4.8/10 A Badish Show. Nothing really special tonight and the build for PPV was not so strong.

Best Parts


50/50 Parts

1. Alberto/Kane vs Rey/Kingston. Ok match, nice amount of time and finsh. But nothing really special.

2. Big Show/Slater. Boring Match with weird start. Ref Justin King just waiting around eh? Ok post match stuff.

3. Main Event Tag Match. Ok match with ok post match.

Worst Parts

1. Video Recaps, Video Packages, Graphics, Commercials, etc. waste of time.

2. Divas Tag. wow why was this even here? A. they did not promote McCool vs Natalya at PPV at all. B. Kaitlyn is botchy C. Typical sneeze and its over Divas match.

3. McIntyre/JTG. Squash match. Just here to carry on Kelly/Drew's weak storyline.

4. Alberto Del Rio's Royal Rumble Match. man whatever happened to the other guys lol.

Should you watch the replay Saturday at 9pm or 1am on Universal HD? No skip it. Nothing special here.

Should you order the PPV? Yes for the Rumble match alone, Im biased tho as this is my favorite PPV.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

WWE NXT Recap from Tulsa, OK. 1/18

Photos via:

Internet Brodcaster:

Internet Commentators: Todd Grisham & Josh Matthews.

Ring Announcer: Tony Chimel.

Taped Earlier in the day from BOK Center in Tulsa, OK.

Video: NXT Opening.

Video Package: NXT past few weeks.

Matt Striker in ring. Pros & Rookies come down to the ring. Tonight's challenge is how well do you know your pro.(Match game wheres the funny host & 6 people) When I first saw my rookie I thought he was ____? Grisham asks Matthews what about him. Matthews says he can say it. Curtis guess impressive. Truth says cool. Bryton "tan" Ziggler says Fresh Prince. Bateman says Great city of Tulsa, OK. Bryan says Tulsa,OK. they get a point! (lol). O'Brian: Looked strange. Alberto says "looked like a rat."(Come on thats right). Clay says looked large. Dibase says "out of shape"(again come on). "What career should your rookie pursue." Matthews wants Jeopardy music.(no match game duh). Saxton says "Singer." Ziggler says "News Anchor." Bateman says "Next Steve Blackman." Daniel says "Steve Blackman." lol(get the kendo sticks). Conor says working at a circuis. Alberto says my employ. lol. Clay says bodyguard. Dibase says bodyguard. Curtis says NXT Commentator. Truth says dancing. "What is the biggest area your rookie needs improvment in." Grisham says this reminds him of Match game(duh) CLay says "listening" Dibase guesses the same. Conor says listening. Alberto says "looks." Bateman says chicks & America" Bryan says "Chicks and America." lol Ziggler says this is rigged. Saxton says to be mor elike Ziggler. Ziggler says to be more tan. Curtis says getting noticed. Truth says confidence. Bateman wins challenge and immuunity.

Commentators talk about Bateman's immunity.

Graphic: Who's elminated tonight.

Commercial: PPV.

Commercial: WWE Magazine.

Video Earlier today: Chris Masters tells Bryon Saxton he will show him something tonight.

1. Bryon Saxton w/ Dolph Ziggler vs Chris Masters. Ref Charles Robinson. Saxton gets no entrance. Masters wins with the Masterlock.

Backstage: Ted Dibase Jr., Maryse, & Brodus Clay. Clay complains about the challenge and says he will win easy. Clay & Dibase complain about last week. Dibase tells him he is the best thing Clay has and he needs to listen. Maryse talks to Dibase in french. Dibase says he is tired of the french.

Commercial: WWE HOF Tickets.

Graphic: PPV Theme song.


2. Ted Dibase Jr. & Brodus Clay w/ Maryse vs Daniel Bryan(US Champion) & Derrick Bateman. Ref Rod Zapata. Dibase gets no entrance. Bateman wins with a rollup on Dibase.

Graphic: Who's elminated.

Commerical: Greatest Superstarts ever DVD.

Graphic: WWE "Fact" Of the night. 200+ live events have more people then 3 sporting events(duh stupid fact).

Backstage: Richardo Rodriguez tries to kill Conor O'Brian with rat spray. Alberto Del Rio enters and yells at both. He puts them in a match tonight.

Commentators talk about Raw.

Video Package: Raw Recap.

Graphic: Nexus next raw.

Backstage: R-Truth tells Johnny Curtis to relax and get in the grove. Curtis dances. They hug.

Commercial: Heenan DVD.

Commercial: WWE Videogame.

3. Conor O'Brian vs Richardo Rodriguez. Ref Justin King. Matthews says this is Richardo's 1st ever match(wrong). Richardo falls into the ring. Richard announces himself. Grisham wonders if Richaro will announce himself the loser after. Matthews says how they never annouce the loser. Grisham says Richardo has the Josh Matthews body. Backstage: Alberto Del Rio watchs. Richardo trips and falls on Conor for the win. Ziggler yells "Not like this."

Commerical: PPV.

Commercial: Next SD!

Graphic: Watch NXT online.

Matt Striker & Rookies at ringside. Bateman thinks Saxton is going home. Elminated tonight is...Conor O'Brian. Conor says its been fun. Richardo comes back out and says Conor is going home. Conor says to kiss his rat tail. Conor chases Richardo away. Richardo comes back to ringside and says all the fans suck as does NXT the rat has left the building and goes under the ring.

(End of SHow).

My Rating 3/5 Goodish Show. Matthews was not on the ball so much tonight so commentary suffered to help the show along. "If we can get through this"(Rookies theme song) is what everyone says watching this show!

Best Parts

1. Know your Pro Challenge. Funny stuff w/ Bryan/Bateman.

50/50 Parts

1. Tag match okish. Nothing special.

2. Richardo/Conor short & funny(and no im not litteraly talking about Richardo lol).

Worst Parts

1. Video Recaps, Video Packages, Videos, Graphics, etc. Waste of time annoying.

2. Matt Striker. He just brings a boring feel to the show when hes talking in the ring. Talks slow and dull.

3. Masters/Saxton wow sooo boring and too long.

Should you watch replay of NXT anytime on, Youtube, or Hulu? No just watch opening segment.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

WWE Raw Recap from Little Rock, AR. 1/17

Photos via:

TV Network: USA Network.

TV Commentators: Michael Cole & Jerry Lawler.

Ring Announcer: Justin Roberts.

Live from Verizon Arena in Little Rock, AR.

In Attendence: Rick "The Sign Guy"

New WWE Logo In Opening WWE logo package(shows regular WWE logo but w/ WWE written under it w/ blue backround.)

Video Package: MLK Day.

John Cena comes down to the ring. Cena says he will win the Rumble and go win the title at WM27. If you want some come get some. Miz(WWE Champion) & Alex Riley(in suits) come out to the stage. Miz says nobody wants that and he is the most see champion ever. He says Raw w/ him has been more exciting in years. He says the odds are against Cena. Miz says the winner of the Rumble can pick to go agaisnt which ever champion. Crowd chants "Cena". Miz says if Cena picks him he will lose like Randy Orton will at PPV. Cena makes fun of Miz's speech.(Cole laughs as he is rooting for both guys). Cena said Jerry Lawler should be WWE Champion if it was not for Michael Cole, and Randy Orton if not for Alex Riley. Cena says Miz, Riley, & Cole look like Sisters of Kardasians and makes fun of Miz,Cole, & Riley. Cole calls Ricky Gervais. Cole says Miz makes poopy noises, sorry its PG. Cena said Miz ran away last week and gave Lawler the win. He says Lawler is the only one who wants to fight. Crowd chants "Jerry". Miz says Cena is corny. Miz says he is tired of people saying he is afraid to fight he says he cant face anyone in WWE history. Miz says he can out wrestler the greatest techincal wrestlers ever, and everyone knows it. Cena says when he thinks WM he sees Orton vs Cena as its a WM type match. Cena says Miz wont make it past next PPV and wont be at WM. Cena says he must see Miz do something about it. CM Punk & Nexus to stage.(Punk's eye looks weird due to the fan attack last night). Punk says Miz does not have to explain himself to the jerk that Cena is. Miz is champion and Cena will not be. Punk says how thier is 40 people in this years rumble w/ him & Nexus. Punk says Cena's chances of winning are now 0. Punk says he can't wait to see Cena battle the odds. Punk has the rest of Nexus head down to the ring and they attack Cena. Santino Marella & Vladmir Kozlov run down to the ring and chase Nexus away. Punk says if Cena wants to play games take on these ons and he walks to ringside w/ Nexus. Raw's GM rings in. Cole reads its and I quote, He says Nexus is barred from ringside when Cena faces Punk and if anyone of Nexus interferes they are out of the Rumble match.

Graphic: Orton/Ziggler tonight.


Commercial: Next Smackdown.

1. Santino Marella & Vladmir Kozlov(WWE Tag Team Champions) w/ Tamina. vs Uso's. WWE Tag Team Championship Titles Match. Ref Mike Chioda. Neither teams's get entrances. Santino wins with the Cobra in a quick match.(How did Usos get a title match from losing on Superstars every week?).

Backstage: Nexus talks together on how to figure out a plan. C.M. Punk enters. Punk smiles at each one of them and says "faith".

Backstage: John Morrison walking and Daniel Bryan & Bellas walk away ahead of him.

Commercial: PPV.


Video Recap: Morrison/Sheamus last week.

Reaired Video Package: John Morrison

2. John Morrison vs Daniel Bryan(U.S. Champion) w/ Bella Twins. Ref Charles Robinson. (Commercials). Morrison wins with a botched running knee. Lawler calls it a classic. They shake hands after. Shemaus comes out to the stage. Sheamus says Morrison was a mid-carder and he made Shemaus made Morrison and he can destroy him. He says nobody is in his league. Sheamus says he will win the Rumble. Sheamus says he will win the Rumble and elminate Bryan & Morrison from the match.

Graphic: Punk/Cena tonight.

Graphic: Ziggler/Orton next.

Video Recap: Main Event last week.


Video: Outside the arena.

Video: WWE Wins some award.

Backstage: Bella Twins walking and say how they really liked John Morrison. They talk about how they can be Bryan's 1st and they argue over who is better. They say they will have a wager.

3. Dolph Ziggler w/ Vickie Guerrero vs Randy Orton. Ref John Cone. Before the match starts...(Commercials) Commercial: Next SD!. Orton wins with a RKO. Cole says Orton surprised everyone. Miz & Alex Riley come down to the ring and lay out Orton. Miz lays out Lawler when he tried to attack. Miz & Riley throw Orton thru the break away barrier(we gonna do that everyweek from now on). You can hear cameraman talking "Ok Rick I gotta get out of here, you take Miz from the side, ok RIck......" Miz stands over Orton and says hes awesome.

Graphic: Cena/Punk tonight.

Commercial: WWE HOF Tickets.


Video Recap: Miz/Orton from before the break.

Backstage: C.M. Punk talks to Nexus.(you can hear production talking in the backround). Punk says they need faith and williness to sacrifce everything. He says you need loyalty.

Melina & Eve are on commentary.

4. Maryse vs Natalya(Divas Champion). Ref Rod Zapata. Cole & Divas on commentary don't talk about the match. Natalya wins with the Sharpshooter in a quick match. Melina never spoke on commentary. Maryse yells at Cole and Eve shoves her. Ted Dibase Jr. comes down to ringside. Maryse yells at Ted. Ted says he can win the Rumble. Maryse yells youre a loser. Ted says he will throw anybody over the top rope right now. Dibase wants a Top Rope Challege right now.


Dibase is in the ring and saying everyone knows they cant beat him. Mark Henry comes down to the ring. Cole laughs.

5. Ted Dibase Jr. vs Mark Henry. Over The Top Rope Challenge Match. Ref Justin King(inside) & Charles Robinson(outside). Henry wins in 1 minute. Yoshi Tatsu & Tyson Kidd run down to the ring followed by the rest of Superstars on WGN America. William Regal, Zach Ryder, Primo, Tyson Kidd, David Hart Smith, & R-Truth all come down to the ring. All fight. Sheamus comes down to the ring. Sheamus throws Ryder out of the ring, Cole says "Ryder is elminated. 3 more elminated:"(its now a match) Lawler returns to commentary. Mark Henry stands tall in the ring. Alberto Del Rio comes out to stageside. Alberto says his name is Alberto Del Rio but we already knew that. Alberto says its his destiny to win the biggest Rumble ever and be a champion at WM. And to be the greatest of the great. Alberto leaves.

Graphic: Cena/Punk tonight.

Commercial: WWE & Make a Wish.


Video: Derrick Bateman says if you want to be strong and powerfull to buy his Mark Henry colonge with real sweat from Mark Henry. Mark Henry voice over says "This may cause Hippos, Pigs, & Bumblebess to have find effects." (Why was Bateman on Raw?).

Lawler & Cole argue. Cole plugs the Rumble.

Reaired Video Package(airs every year): Rumble facts.

Commentators hype the PPV. Cole said he got a email from the GM that next week, Edge will face Miz.(Aka Raw's ratings currently suck.)

Backstage: John Cena walking. He grabs a guy's cellphone and hangs it up on him and throws it in his food.


Commercial: Next Smackdown.

Video Recap: Nexus last week.

6. C.M. Punk w/ Nexus vs John Cena. Ref Mike Chioda. Nexus leaves before the match starts. Camera zooms out and Mason Ryan comes to the ring and lays out a security guard. Punk smiles and put his hands up and Mason lays out Punk. Mason then lays out Cena. DQ Punk wins. Nexus comes down to the ring, Punk tells them to leave him alone. Punk smiles and Mason bows down to Punk. Punk puts a Nexus armband on him. Cameraman says "Stay on me"

(End of Show, Raw ran 2 minutes over).

My Rating 3.7/10 A Bad Show. Really boring, alot of filler. I guess WWE just doesn't know what to do anymore.

Best Parts


50/50 Parts

1. Bryan/Morrison. Not so great. Not long enough and Morrison was kinda botchy.

2. Orton/Ziggler. Ok match did not like the commercial break at the start.

3. Punk/Cena. Kinda boring match. Post match was ok, but felt like it could of been more impactful.

Worst Parts

1. Commercials, Video Packages, Video Recaps, Graphics, est. waste of time. annoying. Too much filler.

2. Opening Segment. Really long, boring.

3. WWE Tag Titles Match. Too short & why did Uso's get a title match after losing on Superstars every week!

4. Production talking. Come on you're WWE, you should not be making local news mistakes like this.

5. Natalya/Maryse really quick match. Why was Eve on commentary??? Like really why? What's the point. And Eve should read the script pushing Maryse jokinly after the match when Maryse had a segment to still do. And you have Melina on commentary and she never speaks and she does not do anything to Natalya.

6. Henry/Dibase. Way too quick match. Post match would of been ok if it matter. meaning not the guys you see on Superstars instead of Raw every week. Only Sheamus & Alberto should of been used in a segment like this. And why did everyone run down to the ring? And why was it Yoshi Tatsu & Tyson Kidd leading the way!

Should you watch the replay on Raw, Saturday at 7pm or 11pm on Universal HD? NO. Nothing to see this week.