Thursday, January 13, 2011

WWE NXT Recap from Birminghsm,AL. 1/11

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Internet Commentators: Todd Grisham & Josh Matthews.

Ring Announcer: Tony Chimel.

Host: Matt Striker.

Taped earlier in the night from Birmingham Jefferson Civic Center in Birmingham,AL.

Video Package: Last weeks show.

Video: NXT Opening.

Matt Striker & Rookies on stage. Striker says next week will be another elmination. Striker says tonights challenge is for two points. Its the slingshot challenge. The pros are in the ring. Whoever catchs the most wins. They have 1 minute. R-Truth & Johnny Curtis catch 0. Dolph Ziggler & Bryon Saxton get 1. Daniel Bryan(US Champion & Derrick Bateman get 2. Matthews says whoevr came up with this challenge should be shot out of a cannon. Grisham this is a high scoring match(lol from a guy who does announcing for soccer). Maryse, Ted Dibase Jr. & Brodus Clay get 0. Grisham says this is must watch TV. Striker gets Clay's football postition incorrect. Grisham says Striker must of never watched football. Alberto Del Rio & Conor O'Brian get 2 but only puts 1 in the bucket so Bateman wins! Matthews says out of all the stupid NXTs this is the worst over the divas. Matthews wanted a playoff(lol).

Backstage: Richardo Rodriguez in spanish but will English subtiles says they have a rat problem its hairy and stinks. Grisham says thank god for subtiles.

Graphic: tonight.

Commercial: Greatest 50 superstars DVD.


1. Conor O'Brian w/ Alberto Del Rio vs Bryon Saxton w/ Dolph Ziggler. Ref Mike Chioda. Neither get entrances. Grisham wonders how this will top the start of the show. Grisham says his commentary style got him on NXT. Conor wins with spinebuster.

Matthews & Grisham talk about Daniel Bryan & Derrick Bateman's double date. Matthews says Grisham never been on a date before.

Video After Raw last night: Bryan & Bateman talking about the Bellas. Bryan says its akward with them. Bateman is wearing USA Flag'ed pants. Bateman says he will make the wilderbeast tap out tonight. Bryan asks which one is the beast. Bryan tells Bateman not to try to hard.

Graphic: Superstar Password challenge next.

Commercial: PPV.

Commercial: WWE Kids Magazine.

Graphic: WWE "Fact" of the night.

Pros, Striker, & Rookies on stage. Striker goes over the rules for the challenge for 2 points. Johnny Curtis & R-Truth go first. Curtis says spear. Truth guess correcntly. Curtis goes Kingston's moves Truth gets it right. Curtis says really bad hair bald, Truth guess Ziggler but its Kidd. Saxton & Ziggler go next. Saxton sings Cena's theme, Ziggler gets it. Saxton sings Henry's theme, Ziggler gets it. Ziggler does not like that language. Daniel Bryan & Derrick Bateman go next. Bateman says former champion before Mankind says Kane name. Bryan gets Shemaus, Hornswoggle, & Miz right. Miz guess Steve Blackman. Brodus, Maryse, & Dibase go next. Clay says taller then him, Maryse guessinh shopping brands. Dibase gts Big Show right. Clay says snake. Maryse keeps going shopping brands. Alberto Del Rio & Conor O'Brian go next. O'Brian messes up on Swagger and skips Rhodes and says Punk's name. So Bateman wins. Matthews loves the challenges here.

Graphic: Dibase/ next.

Commercial: Heenan DVD.

Commercial: WWE Videogame.

Video: Outside the arena. Grisham says were in God's country. Matthews says no were in Alabama.(lol).

Video Package: Shawn Michaels.

Graphic: HBK into WWE HOF 2011.

Commentators talk about the double date.

Video afer Raw last night: Bryan, Bateman, & Bellas Double Date. Bateman says weird things. Bellas thank Bryan for the text message but one of them did not get it. Bateman sends Bryan bad pick up lines. The two Bellas argue. Bateman yells no my pants gives Bryan change in a ziplock bag and leaves. Bryan follows after him. Bellas argue with each other. "Not now Brie I just got handed a bag of change."

Graphic: PPV Theme song.

Graphic: Vote to elminate on

2. Johnny Curtis w/ R-Truth vs Ted Dibase Jr. w/ Maryse & Brodus Clay. Ref Jack Doan. Matthews talk about the resturants looked like it was from 1975 with paper plates. Matthews says he would never eat in anywhere in Alabama.(lol). Commercial: Next Smackdown. Commercial: WWE HOF 2011 tickets. Maryse yells something at Matthews. Grisham says she said for Matthews to go to Dollar General across the street and buy a new suit. Truth lays out Clay and Curtis wins with a rollup.

(End of Show).

My Rating 2.5/5 Ok show, nothing special.

Best Parts

1. Josh Matthews still the star of NXT he was very funny tonight.

2. Maryse. Her funnyness in the two challenges made her a highlight of the show.

50/50 Parts

1. OBrian/Saxton ok match, nothing really special about it.

2. Superstar Password. Was funny and ok but not awesome.

3. Dibase/Curtis kinda boring match but better then average.

Worst Parts

1. Commercials, Video Packages. Waste of time annoying.

2. Slingshot Challenge. ah looked good on paper but not to see.

3. Double Date. All that hype for that!

Should you watch the replay on Youtube, Hulu, or No just watch the Password Challenge

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