Monday, January 31, 2011

WWE Royal Rumble Recap from Boston,MA. 1/30

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TV Network: PPV($55).

TV Commentators: Michael Cole, Jerry Lawler, & Matt Striker.

Ring Announcer: Tony Chimel & Justin Roberts.

Backstage Interviewer: Josh Matthews.

Live from TD Bank Arena in Boston,MA.

In Attendence: Rick "The Sign Guy"

Video Package: Opening Video.

Video Recap: Edge/Ziggler from after SD.

1. Edge(World Champion) vs Dolph Ziggler w/ Vickie Guerrero. WWE World Championship Title Match. Ref Chad Patton. Vickie smacks Edge and Kelly Kelly runs down to the ring. Kelly lays out Vickie. Patton is knocked down. Edge hits a spear on Ziggler while Patton is knocked down. Edge wins with the Unprettier.

Video: WM 63 Days away.

Video: Boston Skyline.

Commentators talk about tonights show.

Video Package: WWE Title Fued.

Backstage: Miz(WWE Champion) w/ Alex Riley Interviewed. Miz says his championship reign was smeared with lies that Lawler or Orton would be champion. Miz says their reason people like them & Tom Brady are not champions. Riley says Miz will win and go to WM.

2. Randy Orton vs Miz(WWE Champion) w/ Alex Riley. WWE Championship Title Match. Ref Jack Doan. Cole says "Vintage Orton". Nexus comes out to ringside. Orton throws Riley out of the into Nexus & Doan(nice airtime). Orton hits the RKO on Miz but C.M. Punk comes to the ring and hits the GTS on Orton and puts Miz ontop of Orton for the win.

Commercial: Next PPV.

Commentators talk about Cody Rhodes.

Backstage: Todd Grisham reads a statement from Cody Rhodes. It says he was going to win the rumble but now instead he has a schatterd face and Rey has not said sorry yet. He wants privacy.

Commmentators talk about Rumble match tonight.

Video: Fans asked who will win the rumble.

3. LayCool vs Natalya(Divas Champion). WWE Divas Championship Title Match. Ref Justin King. Raw's GM rings in. Cole gets caught in his cord. Cole reads the email. And I quote... The Divas Title Match has been changed. It will be a four way Divas title match. Cole says that Eve(nooooooo!) has been added to the match. Eve wins a moonsault on Layla! McCool also had a rollup on Natalya. New Champion: Eve.

Backstage: Daniel Bryan & Gail Kim Interviewed. Daniel says anything can happen. He says for everyone calling him a nerd if hes wwe champion at WM. Bella Twins come up. Josh leaves. They had them flowers. Bellas says Daniel & Gail are in the same league. They argue. Gail & the Bellas fight with Daniel, Josh, & Refs trying to break it up.

Video Package: WM 63 days away.

Video: Old church in Boston.

Commentators talk about the next PPV.

Reaired Video Package: Rumble Facts.

4. 40 Man Royal Rumble Match. Refs Mike Chioda, John Cone, & Charles Robinson. C.M. Punk is first. Corre comes down to ringside. Corre attcks Punk and Nexus comes down to the ring and attacks. Raw's GM rings in. Cole says and I quote. To restore order. Cole says only Punk is allowed to be in the ring. Nexus & Corre must go backstage or be DQ'd. Daniel Bryan(U.S. Champion) is 2nd. Match starts at 9:33pm Every 90 seconds someone enters. #3 9:35pm Justin Gabriel In. 9:36pm #1 Gabriel elminated. #4 9:35pm Zach Ryder In. 9:36pm #2 Ryder elminated. #5 9:37pm William Regal In. #6 9:39pm Ted Dibase Jr. w/ Maryse In. #7 9:40pm John Morrison In. 9:41pm #3 Regal elminated. #8 9:41pm Yoshi Tatsu In. #9 9:44pm Husky Harris In. #10 9:45pm Chavo Guerrero In. Chavo tries to hit the 3 amigos on 4 guys and points to Eddie. #11 9:47pm Mark Henry In. 9:48pm #5 Chavo elmianted. 9:48pm #6 Yoshi elminated. #12 9:48pm JTG In. #13 9:50pm Michael McGillicutty in. 9:51pm #7 JTG elminated. 9:51pm #8 Dibase elmianted. #14 9:51pm Chris Masters In. #15 9:53pm David Otunga In. 9:53pm #9 Bryan elimated. 9:54pm #10 Mastes elmianted. 9:54pm #11 Morrison elimated. 9:54pm #12 Henry elmianted. #16 9:54pm Tyler Reks In. 9:55pm #13 Reks elminated. #17 9:56pm Vladmir Kozlov In. 9:57pm #14 Vladmir elmianted. #18 9:57pm R-Truth In. 9:59pm #15 Truth elmianted. #19 9:59pm Great Khali w/ Runjih Singh in(back from Bigg Boss!). 10:00pm #16 Husky elmianted. #20 10:00pm Mason Ryan In. 10:01pm #17 Khali elmianted. #21 10:02pm Booker T! Vintage Booker T says Cole. Spinarooni!!! 10:04pm #18 Booker elminated. #22 10:04pm John Cena In. 10:05pm #19 Ryan elmaited. 10:05pm #20 & #21 Otunga & McGillcutty elmianted. #23 10:06pm Hornswoggle. 10:08pm #22 Punk elminated. #24 10:08pm Tyson Kidd In. 10:10pm #23 Kidd elminated. #25 10:10pm Heath Slater. 10:11pm #24 Slater elminated. #26 10:12pm Kofi Kingston In. #27 10:13pm Jack Swagger In. #28 10:15pm Sheamus In. 10:16pm #25 Hornswoggle elminated. #29 10:16 Rey Mysterio In. 10:18pm #26 Swagger elmianted. #30 10:18pm Wade Barrett In. #31 10:20pm Dolph Ziggler In. Cole's reading his script too early. #32 10:21pm Diesel In. #33 10:23pm Drew McIntyre In. "Let's Go Diesel!" chants(what?). #34 10:24pm Alex Riley w/ Miz(WWE Champion) In. 10:25pm #27 Diesel elmianted. Miz to commentary. #35 10:26pm Big Show In. 10:27pm #28 Ziggler elmianted. 10:28pm #29 Riley elmaited. #36 10:28pm Ezekiel Jackson In. 10:29pm #29 Drew elmainted 10:29pm #30 Big Show elminated. #37 10:29pm Santino Marella In. 10:30pm Santino gets out of the ring. #38 10:31pm Alberto Del Rio In. #39 10:32pm Randy Orton In. 10:33pm #31 Kingston elimianted. 10:33pm #32 Sheamus elmianted. #40 10:33pm Kane in. 10:35pm #33 Ezekiel elminated. 10:36pm #34 Kane elminated. 10:36pm #35 Rey elminated. Riley comes down to ringside and Miz gets in the ring and throws out Cena at 10:39pm #36 Cena elmianted. Cena tells Cole its not over. 10:41pm #37 Wade elmianted. 10:41pm #38 Orton elminated. Alberto celebrates winning. Santino gets back in the ring #39 10:43pm Santino elminated. Alberto wins!!!!!!!!!!!!!

(End of Show).

My Rating Commin soon!

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