Wednesday, January 19, 2011

WWE NXT Recap from Tulsa, OK. 1/18

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Internet Commentators: Todd Grisham & Josh Matthews.

Ring Announcer: Tony Chimel.

Taped Earlier in the day from BOK Center in Tulsa, OK.

Video: NXT Opening.

Video Package: NXT past few weeks.

Matt Striker in ring. Pros & Rookies come down to the ring. Tonight's challenge is how well do you know your pro.(Match game wheres the funny host & 6 people) When I first saw my rookie I thought he was ____? Grisham asks Matthews what about him. Matthews says he can say it. Curtis guess impressive. Truth says cool. Bryton "tan" Ziggler says Fresh Prince. Bateman says Great city of Tulsa, OK. Bryan says Tulsa,OK. they get a point! (lol). O'Brian: Looked strange. Alberto says "looked like a rat."(Come on thats right). Clay says looked large. Dibase says "out of shape"(again come on). "What career should your rookie pursue." Matthews wants Jeopardy music.(no match game duh). Saxton says "Singer." Ziggler says "News Anchor." Bateman says "Next Steve Blackman." Daniel says "Steve Blackman." lol(get the kendo sticks). Conor says working at a circuis. Alberto says my employ. lol. Clay says bodyguard. Dibase says bodyguard. Curtis says NXT Commentator. Truth says dancing. "What is the biggest area your rookie needs improvment in." Grisham says this reminds him of Match game(duh) CLay says "listening" Dibase guesses the same. Conor says listening. Alberto says "looks." Bateman says chicks & America" Bryan says "Chicks and America." lol Ziggler says this is rigged. Saxton says to be mor elike Ziggler. Ziggler says to be more tan. Curtis says getting noticed. Truth says confidence. Bateman wins challenge and immuunity.

Commentators talk about Bateman's immunity.

Graphic: Who's elminated tonight.

Commercial: PPV.

Commercial: WWE Magazine.

Video Earlier today: Chris Masters tells Bryon Saxton he will show him something tonight.

1. Bryon Saxton w/ Dolph Ziggler vs Chris Masters. Ref Charles Robinson. Saxton gets no entrance. Masters wins with the Masterlock.

Backstage: Ted Dibase Jr., Maryse, & Brodus Clay. Clay complains about the challenge and says he will win easy. Clay & Dibase complain about last week. Dibase tells him he is the best thing Clay has and he needs to listen. Maryse talks to Dibase in french. Dibase says he is tired of the french.

Commercial: WWE HOF Tickets.

Graphic: PPV Theme song.


2. Ted Dibase Jr. & Brodus Clay w/ Maryse vs Daniel Bryan(US Champion) & Derrick Bateman. Ref Rod Zapata. Dibase gets no entrance. Bateman wins with a rollup on Dibase.

Graphic: Who's elminated.

Commerical: Greatest Superstarts ever DVD.

Graphic: WWE "Fact" Of the night. 200+ live events have more people then 3 sporting events(duh stupid fact).

Backstage: Richardo Rodriguez tries to kill Conor O'Brian with rat spray. Alberto Del Rio enters and yells at both. He puts them in a match tonight.

Commentators talk about Raw.

Video Package: Raw Recap.

Graphic: Nexus next raw.

Backstage: R-Truth tells Johnny Curtis to relax and get in the grove. Curtis dances. They hug.

Commercial: Heenan DVD.

Commercial: WWE Videogame.

3. Conor O'Brian vs Richardo Rodriguez. Ref Justin King. Matthews says this is Richardo's 1st ever match(wrong). Richardo falls into the ring. Richard announces himself. Grisham wonders if Richaro will announce himself the loser after. Matthews says how they never annouce the loser. Grisham says Richardo has the Josh Matthews body. Backstage: Alberto Del Rio watchs. Richardo trips and falls on Conor for the win. Ziggler yells "Not like this."

Commerical: PPV.

Commercial: Next SD!

Graphic: Watch NXT online.

Matt Striker & Rookies at ringside. Bateman thinks Saxton is going home. Elminated tonight is...Conor O'Brian. Conor says its been fun. Richardo comes back out and says Conor is going home. Conor says to kiss his rat tail. Conor chases Richardo away. Richardo comes back to ringside and says all the fans suck as does NXT the rat has left the building and goes under the ring.

(End of SHow).

My Rating 3/5 Goodish Show. Matthews was not on the ball so much tonight so commentary suffered to help the show along. "If we can get through this"(Rookies theme song) is what everyone says watching this show!

Best Parts

1. Know your Pro Challenge. Funny stuff w/ Bryan/Bateman.

50/50 Parts

1. Tag match okish. Nothing special.

2. Richardo/Conor short & funny(and no im not litteraly talking about Richardo lol).

Worst Parts

1. Video Recaps, Video Packages, Videos, Graphics, etc. Waste of time annoying.

2. Matt Striker. He just brings a boring feel to the show when hes talking in the ring. Talks slow and dull.

3. Masters/Saxton wow sooo boring and too long.

Should you watch replay of NXT anytime on, Youtube, or Hulu? No just watch opening segment.

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