Tuesday, January 11, 2011

WWE Raw Recap from Nashville,TN. 1/10

Photos via: WWE.com

TV Network: USA Network.

TV Commentators: Michael Cole & Jerry Lawler.

Ring Announcer: Justin Roberts.

Live from Bridgestone Arena in Nashville,TN.

Video: Raw Opening.

Commentators talk about WWE HOF11 1st annoucment tonight.

Graphic: John Cena tonight.

Santino Marella & Vladmir Kozlov(WWE Tag Champions) w/ Tamina come down to the ring(weird for them to start the show). Nexus runs down to the ring and lays out Santino & Vladmir. Punk says hes sorry but the match will be a later date. All of Nexus is wearing New Punk/Nexus shirts. Punk says all of Nexus with his help can make them bigger then anyone ever in WWE history. Punk says he took Wade Barrett out of Nexus and John Cena out of WWE but the broken down Cena will appear tonight. Punk hopes Cena gives a farewell speech tonight as his nights are over and his are starting. Punk says tonight he will make himself the new leader of the new Nexus. Punk says everyone in Nexus tonight must prove to the worthless people that they belong in the new Nexus. If they pass they will take over WWE entirly.  David Otunga takes the mic. He says it will be their honor to be in the new Nexus. Punk says the honor will all be his. Punk says McGillicutty is up first. Punk says how Nexus has beaten down everyone. Crowd chants Cena. Punk says Cena too. Punk says McGillicutty's test is to get a Nexus beatdown. Nexus lays out McGillicutty. Lawler says this is the strangest thing we ever saw on Raw(wrong lol Rosie vs Trump nabey?). Nexus leaves and carries McGillicutty with them.


Graphic: WWE.com

1. R-Truth vs Alberto Del Rio. Ref Charles Robinson. Cole wish Truth would disapear. Richardo yells "Whats Up" at Truth. Truth lays out Richaro and Alberto wins by countout. Alberto says he won again but you already know that. Alberto says his destiny is to win the Royal Rumble and main event WM. Alberto says tonight they are in Nashville. The Music city oh silly Americans dont know anything about music or cultrue. Only about Justin Bieber, American Idol, and the horrible and boring Country Music. Alberto says in Mexico they know about music and culture. Crowd chants USA. Alberto has Richardo sings Cucaracha.

Graphic: Cena returns tonight.

Graphic: Morrison/Sheamus tonight again!


Video Recap: Miz laying out Lawler in Albany 2 weeks ago.

Commentators talk about Miz. Cole tells Lawler to say sorry to Miz. Raw's GM rings in. Cole reads it and I quote.... Michael Cole has recieved alot of critism but I support Cole 100% even tho he is a conceded pompus, arrogant, self centered, jerk. Lawler laughs. Cole says just kidding, Cole has done a great job and is manhood. More people should be like Cole and stand up. Cole says his acceiments. The highest form you can call yourself is a cole miner. Lawler gets up and says he got a message from the fans. And I quote will you shut up. Lawler says nobody would type Cole is hansome and Cole really is a coward. Lawler comes up by him. Cole says you cant touch him or your fired. Lawler closes the laptop. GM rings in. Cole laughs. Cole reads and I quote. Michael Cole is not a coward and neither is Lawler. So Lawler cant wait to get revenge so tonight Miz & Riley face Lawler & Orton.

Backstage: C.M. Punk talks to Nexus. He says McGillicutty is in. Husty Harris is next. Punk says Husty must take 3 lashs from Nexus. He accepts. Punk tells Husty to take his shirt off. Husty takes the 3 lashs from Nexus. Punk lashs him multiple times. Lawler says this is the stupidest thing he ever saw.(no thats Mae Young giving birth to a hand.)


Graphic: WWE "Fact" of the night.

2. Daniel Bryan & Mark Henry w/ Bella Twins vs Ted Dibase Jr. & Tyson Kidd w/ Maryse. Ref Mike Chioda. We already saw this match on Superstars last week! Lawler is going on & on about Nexus not talking about the match. Henry wins with the World's Strongest Slam on Kidd in a quick match.

Graphic: Miz/Riley vs Orton/Lawler tonight.

Backstage: Big Show walking. Lawler wonders why he is here(well watch Smackdown sometime Lawler).


Video Recap: NXT Elmination from last week.

Graphic: NXT Live on WWE.com(its not live).

Big Show comes down to the ring. Big Show likes being back on Raw and thanks the Raw GM. Big Show says he thought it was funny, Wade Barrett is getting knocked out next Smackdown. Big Show says at the Royal Rumble their on notice. Big Show says he is not playing games, he will win and go to WM. Nexus comes out to the stage.(I had a feeling they would). Lawler says Nexus is even stupidier. David Otunga walks down to the ring and smacks Big Show then just stands. Big Show lays out Otunga.

Graphic: Cena returns tonight.

Graphic: Sheamus/Morriosn next.


Commercial: Next Smackdown.

Video Package: WWE Title Match last week.

3. John Morrison vs Sheamus. Ref Jack Doan. Morrison wins with a running knee to the face.

Graphic: Cena returns tonight.

Commentators talk about Nexus tonight.

Video Recaps: Nexus tonight. Lawler says to just say no.

Backstage: C.M. Punk with Kendo Sticks says everyone from tonight is in so far. Punk tells Heath Slater & Justin Gabriel to fight each other with the Kendo sticks till he says to stop. Punk tells them to do it unless they dont want to be in Nexus. Punk yells at them to do it. Punk tells them to hit him. Slater & Gabriel drop their sticks and leave. (meaning Otunga is the only orginal member of Nexus left).

Graphic: WWE HOF 2011 inductee annouced next.


Video: Outside the arena.

Jerry Lawler in ring. Lawler says his greatest accoplisment was being in WWE Hall Of Fame. Lawler says less then 100 of the select few who get to be in WWE are in HOF. Lawler talks about what it takes to be in the HOF. Lawler says 1st in 2011 earned eveyone's respect. The 1st is...

Video Package: Shawn Michaels's career.

Shawn Michaels comes down to the ring. Cole says he has chills. Lawler goes estactic. Cole says this is awesome.(Oversell). Crowd chants "One more match." Before HBK can talk. Alberto Del Rio comes out to the stage! Alberto says his name is Alberto Del Rio but you already knew that. Alberto says all of HBK's nicknames but says not anymore? Alberto says the fans use to cheer him. Fans chant "HBK". Alberto says they now cheer him. He says he is the future of the WWE while HBK is just history. Alberto says he will win the Rumble then then the top gold and become the new Mr. Wrestlemania. HBK lays out Alberto. HBK dances around and leaves. Cole & Lawler going crazy and laughing. HBK puts on Alberto's scraf.

Graphic: Miz/Riley vs Orton/Lawler tonight.

Lawler leaves commentary.

Commercial: PPV.


Josh Matthews to commentary.

Commercial: Next Smackdown.

Backstage: Miz & Alex Riley talking about tonight. Riley is excited. Riley asks what is amatter with Miz. Miz says he has beat a HOF'er then WWE Title match last week and everyone is talking about Orton last week not him. Miz says people say its a fact Orton will win the title at PPV. Miz says he gets no respect. Miz says he wants to embarrsess and hurt Lawler & Orton tonight. Miz says he will be champion for along time.

Michael Cole in ring. Cole says two weeks ago New Nexus layed out Cena. C.M. Punk is standing on the tron!!! Punk says its the CM Punk show now enough with Cena. Matthews keeps saying to be carefull. Punk says its time for his ultimate sacrifce. Cole says no, dont do it. Cole says Punk if 50 feet in the air. Matthews says not to do it. Punk asks if he should jump or not. Punk says how guillable is everyone here, Punk shows he is wearing a hairness and has two guys sotting him. Punk says what kind of idiot jumps off a tron. Punk calls everyone in Nashville a bunch of sheep. Punk laughs. New Nexus(minus Heath & Gabriel) comes down to the ring.

Video Recaps; Nexus tonight.

Punk comes down to the ring and joins Nexus. Punk is laughing. Punk says if anyone thought he was going to jump they are stupid. Punk shows everyone his safety harness and says if anyone was going to do that is mentaly challenged. Punk says he is the leader of the New Nexus. Crowd chants "Cena." Punk says Cena is no longer here as he got rid of him. John Cena comes on the screen. Cena says negative things about Punk and says he is wasting everyone's time. Cena says he already gave Nexus a new igniation, except CM Sucks. Punk says he is not afraid of Cena on his own show. Cena says to prove it when he faces him next week. Punk accepts. Cena says all the things Punk said are true as he is a animal. Cena says next week he will whoop his ass. Cena leaves the screen.

Graphic: Miz/Riley vs Orton/Lawler next.


Commercial: WWE HOF Ceremony Tickets(showed Flair on camera).

4. Miz(WWE Champion) & Alex Riley vs Jerry Lawler & Randy Orton. Ref Mike Chioda. Cole says Vintage Miz. Cole says Vintage Randy Orton. Orton blocks Miz. Lawler wins with a diving fist drop. Cole says now thats Vintage.

Graphic: Punk/Cena next week.

(End Of Show, Raw runs 6 minutes over).

My Rating 2.7/10 A Boring show. With every match having already happened in the last month! Nexus was the only kinda new moving forward segment.

Best Parts


50/50 Parts

1. Nexus segments. Where hit & miss the whole night. Liked how kinda moving away from PG w/ Punk on tron, lashings, kendo sticks and John Cena saying "ass" lol. Liked Punk's heelness. Segment tho where kinda long. With Slater & Gabriel leaving Nexus makes you wonder if Wade will have his own Nexus possibly with Michael Tarver & Skip Sheffield also returning. Punk standing on the tron was a cool moment.

2. Alberto/Truth okish repeated match. Liked the finsh and Alberto's promo.

3. HBK/Alberto. HBK took too long to get to the ring. Alberto's promo was good and liked HBK knocking him out.

Worst Parts

1. Video Recaps, Video packages, Commericals, Graphics, etc. waste of time annoying.

2. Same old, same old. Repeating matchs nothing really progress tonight besides Nexus.

3. Cole/Lawler/GM segment. Went on too long, boring.

4. 1st Tag Match. why this again! We saw this match on Superstars and this time it was very short. Only reason this was here was not to have only 3 matchs on a 2 hour+ show.

5. Morrison/Sheamus. Not again! Too Long, Too boring.

6. Main Event Tag. Repeated match again! Why not have Cole instead of Riley. Okish match, kinda boring.

Should you watch the replay on Universal HD, Saturday at 7pm or 11pm? No but if you have time watch Alberto's promos and Punk standing on the tron.

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