Saturday, January 8, 2011

WWE Smackdown! Recap from Tucson,AZ. 1/7

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TV Network: SyFy.

TV Commentators: Josh Matthews, Matt Striker, & Michael Cole.

Ring Announcer: Tony Chimel.

Taped 1/4 from Tucson Convention Center in Tucson,AZ.

Video Package: Tonights Show.

Video: Smackdown Opening.

Commentators talk about tonights show.

1. Edge(World Champion) vs Kane. Last Man Standing Match for WWE World Championship Title Match. Ref Chad Patton. Edge wins with a ConChairto to the knee.

Backstage: Dolph Ziggler w/ Vickie Guerrero & Kofi Kingston walking.

Commercial: WWE Magazine.



Commentators talk about the last match.

Video Recap: IC Title Match last week.

2. Dolph Ziggler(Intercontental Champion) w/ Vickie Guerrero vs Kofi Kingston. WWE Intercontental Championship Title Match. Ref John Cone. Kingston wins with a crossbody to become the IC Champion!!! Ziggler lays out Kingston after the match. Vickie makes a rematch right now.

3. Kofi Kingston(Intercontenal Champion) vs Dolph Ziggler w/ Vickie Guerrero. WWE Intercontenal Championship Title Match. Ref John Cone. Kingstin wins with Trouble in Paradise in 1 minute.

Graphic: 2 out of 3 falls match tonight.

Commercial: Heenan DVD.

Graphic: WWE "Fact" of the week.

Backstage: Dolph Ziggler tells Vickie it was a dumb move to make the IC Title rematch tonight. Vickie calls him a 2 time loser. Dolph says to find a new boyfriend. Vickie screams.

Commentatos talk about show so far & Raw.

Video Package: Raw Recap.

Backstage: Kelly Kelly walking and Drew McIntyre wishs her luck tonight. Drew wants her support and he will give it back to her. She says thanks and walks away.

Graphic: #1 Contenders World Title Match tonight.

Graphic: Tough Enough returns in April.

Vickie Guerrero comes to the stage and makes the #1 contenders match a fatal four way and adds Ziggler to the match.
4. Big Show vs Cody Rhodes vs Drew McIntyre vs Dolph Ziggler w/ Vickie Guerrero. #1 Contenders World Title Match. Ref Mike Chioda. (Commercials) Commercial: Next Raw. Wade Barrett comes down to the ring and lays out Big Show. Ziggler wins with a ZigZag on Rhodes!

Graphic: 2 out of 3 falls match.

Commercial: PPV.


Commercial: Ezekiel Jackson commin to SD.

5. Michelle McCool w/ Layla vs Kelly Kelly. Ref Justin King. Layla causes a discraction and McCool wins with Faithbreaker. LayCool attacks Kelly after the match and Drew McIntyre runs down to the ring and chases LayCool away.

Graphic: 2 out of 3 falls match tonight.

Commercial: WWE Magazine.


Alberto Del Rio comes down to the ring. Alberto says his name is Alberto Del Rio but you already know that. He says he proved to everyone on Raw he has destiny to win the Royal Rumble and main event Wrestlemania. He says he will destroy Rey tonight. Alberto says their is two times of latino, Puerto and the guardiners/carwashers, & Rey Mysterio.


6. Alberto Del Rio vs Rey Mysterio. 2 out of 3 Falls Match. Ref Charles Robinson. Alberto gets the first fall with a arm bar. (Commercials). Rey ties it with a rollup. (Commercials) Commercial: Next Raw. Richardo Rodriguez holds Rey so he can't get in the ring and Alberto wins by countout! Rey lays out Richardo after the match and points at Alberto on the stage.

(End Of Show)

My Rating Commin Soon!

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