Friday, January 28, 2011

WWE Smackdown! Recap from Cincinnati,OH. 1/28

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TV Network: SyFy.

TV Commentators: Josh Matthews, Matt Striker, & Michael Cole.

Ring Announcer: Tony Chimel.

Backstage Interviewer: Todd Grisham & Jack Korpela.

Taped 1/25 from U.S. Bank Arena in Cincinnati,OH.

Video Package: The Corre last week on SD.

Vickie Guerrero is in the ring. Vickie says Thedore Long(SD! GM) will be here tonight due to last week. She says she is in charge now and wish Long well. Randy Orton comes down to the ring. Orton says he is only here to show thanks for being invited to SD tonight. Orton says for Vickie to excuse him, for what he does to Ziggler tonight and then Miz at the PPV. Orton says he likes Vicie's hair. Dolph Ziggler comes down to the ring. Ziggler says he is going to be champion at the PPV and deserves respect. Ziggler says Vickie deserves respect again too. Orton says you need to earn respect and lays out Ziggler.

Graphic: Rated RKO vs Miz/Ziggler tonight.


Graphic: PPV Theme Song.


1. LayCool vs Kelly Kelly & Kaitlyn. Ref Justin King. Striker says to be quiet and he sings Laycool's theme. Kaitlyn & Kelly attack Laycool on their way to the ring. Kaitlyn with the weakest looking hit from behind ever! McCool wins with Faith Breaker in less then 1 minute. Striker says "Back to watching Tosh.0"(as even Striker does not watch WWE lol)

Commercial: PPV.


2. Drew McIntyre vs JTG. Ref John Cone. Kelly Kelly sits at ringside watching. Drew wins with the Future Shock. After Drew leaves, Kelly stands in the ring watching him leave.

Graphic: Ziggler/Miz vs Rated RKO tonight.


Video: Outside Arena.

Video Recap: Rey/Cody last week.

Backstage: Cody Rhodes Interviewed. Cody has his back to his camera and says he may never be able to show his face again. Cody says Rey went to bash his face on purpose. Cody says he has a broken nose and needs surgery. Cody says doctors wont let him in the Rumble at PPV. Cody says his dreams have been shattered.(Where's Goldust?). Cody says he was the most hansome man in the world. Cody says a little kid yelled at him saying hes no longer dashing(like a little kid would use the word dashing).

Backstage: Edge(World Champion) Interviewed. Korpela is sporting a stupid Josh Matthews interview grin. Edge says he remembers Corre's names. Edge says he will let Corre worry about him comming for them. Edge says he rejoins in Rated RKO tonight agaisnt Miz & Ziggler. Edge says he is taking out his anger on Ziggler tonight.

Backstage: Alberto Del Rio walking and tells Michael Tarver "My Name is Alberto Del Rio but you already knew that." Alberto gets in his car and starts driving out to the arena.


Alberto Del Rio comes down to the ring, he tells us his name but we already know that. Alberto says he will prove his destiny is at the PPV tonight. Alberto says he is having a Royal Rumble tonight with 39 other guys. Alberto says he will win.

3. Alberto Del Rio's Royal Rumble Match. Ref Chad Patton & Justin King. Alberto Del Rio & seth allen start. allen elminated. mike stevens in. Striker spoints out random facts about allen & stevens. stevens elminated. Kane in. Kofi Kingston(IC Champion) in. Kingston elminates Kane & Alberto. Alberto & Kane go after Kingston but Rey Mysterio comes down to the ring. Vickie Guerrero comes out to the stage. No Contest. Vickie makes a tag match with the 4 in the ring right now.

Commercial: Raw 2010 DVD.


4. Alberto Del Rio & Kane vs Rey Mysterio & Kofi Kingston. Ref Mike Chodia. Kane attacks Alberto and leaves. Kingston wins with Trouble in Paradise on Alberto.

Commentators talk about Raw.

Video Recap: Miz/Edge from Raw.

Graphic: Miz/Ziggler vs Rated RKO.


Commerical: PPV.

Video Recap: Big Show/Corre 2 weeks ago.

Big Show comes down to the ring. Big Show talks about how big he is and his championships and how he can be a target. Big Show says Corre made him angry. Big Show says he never won a Rumble match but at PPV. Corre comes down to the ring. Cole says the big mouth asked for it. Corre is wearing new shirts that look like sweaters that somebody's Grandmother made for them. Big Show says none of them have the guts to fight him one on one. Slater attacks Big Show from behind and Ref Justin King follows, and we have a match(huh?).

5. Big Show vs Heath Slater. Ref Justin King. Big Show wins in 2 minutes. Corre attacks Big Show. Daniel Bryan(US Champion), Santino Marella & Vladmir Kozlov(WWE Tag), Chris Masters, & R-Truth run down to the ring and throw Corre out of the ring.

Graphic: Main Event Tag tonight.

Commentators talk about Rumble match.

Reaired Video Package: Rumble Match stats.

Commentators hype the PPV.

Miz(WWE Champion) & Alex Riley come down to the ring. Miz talks about the Truman doctourine and says it has nothing to due with the PPV like Orton with Ziggler tonight. Miz says Orton can RKO every fan and it means nothing. Miz says he will still be champion after PPV.


Graphic: WWE "Fact" Of the night.

6. Miz(WWE Champion) & Dolph Ziggler w/ Vickie Guerrero(Active SD! GM) & Alex Riley vs Rated RKO(Edge(World Champion) & Randy Orton). Ref Chad Patton. (Commericals). Commerical: WWE Action Figures. Commerical: PPV. Commentators said they had tech difficulties which made them go to commercials. Edge wins with a spear on Ziggler. Vickie says Edge's spear is banned from the WWE until further notice. Vickie says if Edge uses the spear at PPV he loses the championship. Edge lays out Ziggler with three more spears.

(End of Show).

My Rating 4.8/10 A Badish Show. Nothing really special tonight and the build for PPV was not so strong.

Best Parts


50/50 Parts

1. Alberto/Kane vs Rey/Kingston. Ok match, nice amount of time and finsh. But nothing really special.

2. Big Show/Slater. Boring Match with weird start. Ref Justin King just waiting around eh? Ok post match stuff.

3. Main Event Tag Match. Ok match with ok post match.

Worst Parts

1. Video Recaps, Video Packages, Graphics, Commercials, etc. waste of time.

2. Divas Tag. wow why was this even here? A. they did not promote McCool vs Natalya at PPV at all. B. Kaitlyn is botchy C. Typical sneeze and its over Divas match.

3. McIntyre/JTG. Squash match. Just here to carry on Kelly/Drew's weak storyline.

4. Alberto Del Rio's Royal Rumble Match. man whatever happened to the other guys lol.

Should you watch the replay Saturday at 9pm or 1am on Universal HD? No skip it. Nothing special here.

Should you order the PPV? Yes for the Rumble match alone, Im biased tho as this is my favorite PPV.

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