Thursday, January 6, 2011

WWE NXT Recap from Tuscon,AZ. 1/4

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Internet Commentators: Todd Grisham & Josh Matthews.

Ring Announncer: Tony Chimel.

Host: Matt Striker.

Taped earlier in the night from Tuscon Convention Center in Tuscon,AZ.

Video Package: Tonights show.

Video: NXT Opening.

Matt Striker & Rookies on stage. Striker says whoever wins NXT will get to tag with thier Pro and challenge the Tag Team Champions for the Tag Titles. Striker says their will be a Over the top rope battle royal tonight where the winner can change who their rookie is. Striker says the match is next. Richardo Rodriguez comes out to the stage and asks to take Alberto's spot for him. Alberto lets him. Alberto tells Richardo to show them.

1. Daniel Bryan(United States Champion) vs Dolph Ziggler(Intercontenal Champion) vs Ted Dibase Jr. vs R-Truth vs Chris Masters vs Richardo Rodriguez. Over The Top Rope Battle Royal, where winner can change who their rookie is. Refs Chad Patton & Justin King. Matthews says Chris Masters will win this. Daniel elminates Richardo. Ziggler elminates Daniel. R-Truth misses Dibase and is elminated. Ziggler elminates Masters & Dibase to win! Novak cheers on Ziggler on the stage. Ziggler says he won that fair and square. Ziggler says he never liked Novak and says he does not have anything so he trades him for a winner like Bryon Saxton. Novak goes towards ringside and Striker says he faces Saxton next.

Commentators talk about the trade and the Tag Titles Match for NXT winner.

Graphic: 1st Elmination tonight.

Commercial: PPV.

Commercial: Heenan DVD.

2. Jacob Novak w/ Chris Masters vs Bryon Saxton w/ Dolph Ziggler. Ref Chad Patton. Saxton wins.

Backstage: R-Truth talks to Johnny Curtis. Truth says Curtis needs to know who he is to win NXT. Curtis says something they both dont know what it means.

Graphic: Clay/Curtis tonight.

Commercial: Next Smackdown.

Video Package: Raw Recap.

Commentators talk about Raw last night and tonights show.

Video: Earlier today: Daniel Bryan & Derrick Bateman talking about submissions. Bateman says he is Dr. Love and can help Bryan with the Divas Twins in a double date. Bryan says it will be alot of fun next week. Bateman says thier about chicks and America.

Backstage: Dolph Ziggler & Bryon Saxton talk about possibly winning NXT and then the Tag Titles. Ziggler says unlike Novak to stay away from Vickie. Saxton says he will and he will make Novak sorry in the challenge next.

Graphic: Battle of the Mic Challenge next.

Commerical: WWE Videogame.

Graphic: WWE "Fact" of the week.

Striker & Rookies in ring in Battle Of the Mic Challenge. Curtis leads the Immunity Challenges so far. Johnny Curtis & Brodus Clay battle first. Curtis punchs Clay. Curtis advances. Derrick Bateman & Bryon Saxton battle. Bateman advances. Jacob Novak & Conor O'Brien battle next. Conor advances. Curtis, Conor, & Bateman battle. Conor wins and Curtis wins immunity.

Commentators talk about the next match.

Graphic: Curtis/Clay next.

Commercial: Next Smackdown.

Commercial: WWE Kids Magazine.

Video Recap: Clay/Curtis in battle of the mic.

3. Johnny Curtis w/ R-Truth vs Brodus Clay w/ Maryse & Ted Dibase Jr. Ref John Cone. Clay wins with a chokeslam. Striker interviews Clay. Clay says the change to prove himself is what makes him go.

Commercial: Next Smackdown.

Striker asks the Rookies who should go home. Curtis says Clay and asks him how his jaw feels. Striker says elminated is: Jacob Novak. Novak says he is crushed and says it was a oppotunity to change his life. Novak says he and the WWE fans both love the WWE. Novak leaves. Striker says next elmination is in two weeks. Ziggler tells Masters sucks like Novak and is gone. Masters goes after Ziggler but Ziggler runs away. Curtis & Clay try to go at it but are held back.

(End of Show).

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